また本年三月十五日にはウェスティン都ホテル京都にて『2019 ミス日本酒 最終選考会』が開催されます。本年もどうかミス日本酒の活動に変わらぬご厚誼とご指導を賜れましたら幸いに存じます。
平成三十一年 元旦
2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実
【With best New Year’s wishes】
I wish you a Happy New Year.
I’d like to express our deepest appreciations to all the supports and help in the last year. As 2018 Miss SAKE, I will continue to try my best to have more people around the world know the greatness of Japanese culture though Japanese SAKE.
Also, on March 15th, “2019 Miss SAKE Final Competition ” to select the 2019 Miss SAKE JAPAN is held at WESTIN Miyako Hotel Kyoto.
I will greatly appreciate your further guidance and encouragement to our activities in 2019, too.
I wish you the new year filled with peace, good health and happiness.
Thank you very much,
January 1, 2019
Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE