Miss SAKEはこの歴史を受け継ぎ、現代での日本酒と日本文化の発展に寄与するために誕生しました。
– Broadcasted on Nikkei CNBC –
~Promoting Japanese culture overseas「Miss SAKE」~
【Miss SAKE】aims to stimulate the social progress of women, through Sake and Japanese culture.
Nikkei CNBC has shown the close footage of the day 2020 Miss SAKE was crowned.
Please watch the video to see the pageant’s enthusiasm towards Sake!
日本酒のアンバサダーであるMiss SAKEについて
About Miss SAKE
Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)選考会は、伝統ある日本酒と日本文化の魅力を日本国内外に発信する美意識と知性を身につけたアンバサダー(親善大使)を選出する目的で一般社団法人Miss SAKEが主催。
Miss SAKEは、外務省、農林⽔産省、国税庁、観光庁、⽇本酒造組合中央会等の後援のもと開催された 2013 年 10 ⽉開催の選考会において、初代の「2014 ミス⽇本酒(2014 Miss SAKE)」が誕⽣。
それより⽇本国内だけでなくニューヨーク、パリ、ロンドン、ミラノ、シドニー、⾹港等、世界各国において、⽇本酒を切り⼝にした⽇本の⾷・⽂化に関する啓発や、⽇本への観光誘致活動を年間 400 件以上⾏っております。
Miss SAKE started in September 2013 as an beauty contest to elect an ambassador who have acquired aesthetic sense and intelligence to spread the charm of Japan to the world through SAKE.
The 2014 Miss SAKE, the first generation, was elected at the final stage held in October 2013, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the National Tax Agency, the Tourism Agency, the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association and so on. To date, Miss SAKE have been born until the sixth generation. In 2020, Miss SAKE contests were held in five countries and regions around the world, and ambassadors were elected in each country and region to spread the greatness of SAKE and Japanese culture.
Women elected as Miss SAKE travel around the world, more than 17 countries and 30 cities, and join more than 400 activities per year to promote Japanese food and culture mainly through SAKE and to attract tourists to Japan as ambassadors to spread the charm of traditional SAKE and Japanese culture to the world.
2016年3月には海外初となるMiss SAKE USAがニューヨークにて開催され、米国の著名な経済紙であるウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルでは「水着審査のない女性の尊厳と平等をうたった文化事業」と報じられ、高く評価されました。
Miss SAKE × SDGs
Miss SAKEは国内外での活動を通し、「持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)」を支援しています。

SDGS 取り組み / Our Approaches to SDGs 伝統ある日本酒と日本文化の魅力を日本国内外に発信する 美意識と知性を身につけたアンバサダーとして As an ambassador with a sense of beauty and intelligence spre...
SDGS 取り組み / Our Approaches to SDGs 伝統ある日本酒と日本文化の魅力を日本国内外に発信する 美意識と知性を身につけたアンバサダーとして As an ambassador with a sense of beauty and intelligence spre...
Miss SAKE × 食産業・農作業、食育
Miss SAKE✖️Food and Agriculture Activities
この神聖な祭儀ともいえる「田植え」をMiss SAKEの活動を通して伝承してまいります。
Rice-planting is one of the most significant Japanese culture, to connote the cultivation of people. A young rice plant is to bear more than thousand of new grains of rice. So, since old times,the practice of cultivating new lives has been thought to welcome the god of rice fields.
So that the sacred practice will be handed down to posterity, we participate in rice-planting and harvesting and deepen our understanding. Getting involved with agricultural and fishing industries, we continue to learn and share the beauty of Japanese food culture.
Miss SAKE × 日本の文化・伝統事業
Miss SAKE✖️Japanese Culture Activities
Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)は、日本全国津々浦々の祭りを巡っております。
Miss SAKEs participate in Japanese cultural activities such as Matsuri all over the country. SAKE and Matsuri are Japanese cultural assets that we can be proud of in the world. With the power of SAKE and Matsuri,which have long connected people beyond the regional boundaries,we try our best to activate Japan and its local communities. Besides, we work on transmitting the greatness of Japanese culture and tradition to the world.