Miss SAKE News/Blog

2020 Miss SAKE Japan 松井詩(まついしほり)です。

Thank you I am Shihori Matsui, 2020 Miss SAKE Japan.

[English follows]

2020 Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)の松井詩と申します。

2020年7月6日にウェスティン都ホテル京都にて2020 Miss SAKE (ミス日本酒)最終選考会が執り行われ、私、松井詩は7代目である2020 Miss SAKE Japanとして今後活動をさせて頂く運びとなりました。


そんな中、半年間もの間、心が潰えず夢を追いかけ続けられたのは、ナデシコプログラムを通してたくさんの学びを与えてくださいました講師の先生方、2020 Miss SAKE 北海道代表に選んで頂いて以来温かく見守ってくださったブランドパートナー様、私達を導いてくださった歴代グランプリの皆様、そして長い間切磋琢磨し、共に励んできた同期のファイナリスト達。




2020 Miss SAKEとして、これまで歴代のMiss SAKEの皆様がたくさんの思いを経て築いてこられたものを受け継ぎ、夢の実現を目指して新たな日本酒の未来、そして日本酒文化の更なる飛躍に貢献できるよう、精一杯精進してまいりたいと思っております。


2020 Miss SAKE 松井詩

for English Speakers

[2020 Miss SAKE Japan, I was given Grand Prix] Hello, everyone. This is Shihori Matsui.

It is my greatest pleasure to inform you that, I, Shihori Matsui was elected as 2020 Miss SAKE Japan, the 7th Miss SAKE.

On July 6th, 2020, the final competition for 2020 Miss SAKE Japan was held at Westin Miyako hotel in Kyoto prefecture.

I was given Grand Prix to be 2020 Miss SAKE Japan.
Due to COVID-19, the final competition has been postponed for 4 months.

Without the support of instructors who have given us learning through Nadeshiko Program, the Sponsors, successive Miss SAKE Grand Prix, and 2020 Miss SAKE finalists who shared the same passion, I was not able to full fill my enthusiasm and chase my dream till this day.

I was born in Japan, raised in the US and my high school was an international school in Singapore. Through 10 years of living abroad I have learned the importance to cherish my own culture, as it has been always involved in my identity.

Currently living in Tokachi, Hokkaido Japan, chasing my dream to become a Veterinary surgeon, a different dream has grown inside my heart.

That is to spread the charm of SAKE, which embrace magnificent amount of Japanese culture.

I believe that the fascination of a Japanese SAKE, is not just the taste and the aroma of it, but moreover its traditional technique and the science behind it.

With sincere gratitude. As 2020 Miss SAKE Japan, I will give everything I could, to expand SAKE and Japanese culture to the world.

I will always appreciate your kind support.
Thank you very much for reading.

2020 Miss SAKE Japan, Shihori Matsui.

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