Miss SAKE News/Blog

フランス パリで日本酒を醸す海外酒蔵 WAKAZE France【Kura Grand Paris】

Sake breweries in overseas!!~【Kura Grand Paris】by WAKAZE France~

[English follows]

皆様、こんにちは。2020 Miss SAKEの松井詩です。



今回このMiss SAKE Channelでは、そんな海外の地で清酒を醸す【海外酒蔵】とその醸造に込められた【杜氏・蔵人の熱い思い】に迫ります。


まず初めにご紹介するのは、日本から遥か9735 km離れた、フランスパリにて清酒醸造を営むWAKAZE FRANCE様の【KURA GRAND PARIS】です!!!


○正式名称/ Wakaze France Kura Grand Paris
○酒蔵住所/ 9 Rue de la Bergerie 94260 Fresnes, France

Wakaze France 様の【Kura Grand Paris】では、2 年目を迎えるにあたりリブランディングを進行中で、現在クラウドファンディングも実行中!

  1. シトラス系の酵母を用いた純米酒 CLASSIC  “A”
  2. ベリー系の酵母を用いた純米酒 CLASSIC “B”
  3. ワイン樽で熟成した純米酒 OAK BARREL
  4. ワイン用白ぶどうと一緒に発酵させたお酒 WHITE GRAPE
  5. ワイン用黒ぶどうと一緒に発酵させたお酒 RED GRAPE


クラウドファンディングページ(英仏語のみ、11 月 15 日まで)

*フランス国内と EU 圏内の数カ国に配送可能となっております。




2020 Miss SAKE 松井詩

[For English Readers]

Hello, everyone.

This is Shihori Matsui, 2020 Miss SAKE Japan.

Have you ever visited a Sakagura (Sake brewery) before? Or experienced the real world of a Japanese sake?
Sakagura, is now not only a place where Sakes are made, but one of a fascinated areas for tourists.

The history of sake goes back more than 2,000 years.
The architecture of sake breweries is a big part of Japanese culture, similar to temple or shrine architecture.
Sakagura tour is a best way to let your eyes feast on the traditional Japanese sake brewery buildings.

Surprisingly, Sakagura is not only found in Japan… there are more than 50 Sakaguras overseas!

Sake brewed outside Japan, offers an eclectic array of traditional and craft Sake breweries to explore.
It is astonishing how breweries have an incredibly unique approach to Sake.

In our new Miss SAKE series, we will introduce Sake breweries out side of Japan, in order to please new and established Sake fans alike!

Firstly… let us introduce [Kura Grand Paris] by WAKAZE France!!

Toji (brew master) working in [Kura Grand Paris] has been trained in Japan, however adapted an innovative techniques to brew in France. They tirelessly select the best French ingredients to make an exceptional Sake.

WAKAZE has been awarded the platinum prize at the Kura Master, a Japanese Sake Competition organized annually in France since 2017.

WAKAZE is now offering a Crowd Fund (until 15th of November), in order to maintain their high-quality sake brewing process, thus bring sake to new, adventurous audiences.

In the Crowd Fund, WAKAZE offers 5 different Sake made freshly in France!

Please support their Crowd Fund to spread the fascination of Japanese Sake to the world.

For more information please visit the website:
*Shipped anywhere in France and several EU countries.

I hope you enjoy our new video.

Thank you very much for reading.

Shihori Matsui, 2020 Miss SAKE Japan.

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