Miss SAKE News/Blog

上野 ミュラー 佳子様の新作出版記念パーティーにてMiss SAKEが司会を務めさせていただきました/ Miss SAKE served as the host at the publication celebration party for Ms. Yoshiko Ueno-Müller’s new book [*English follows]


2023 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 齋藤ひかりです。


2024年11月6日(水)に、ドイツの日本酒専門商社 ウエノグルメ創業者で、酒サムライでもある、 上野 ミュラー 佳子様の新作出版記念パーティーが学士会館にて開催されました。



日本酒の伝道師:上野 ミュラー 佳子様の情熱と軌跡


上野 ミュラー 佳子様は東京生まれで、1989年からドイツに拠点を構えています。2005年には「ウエノグルメ」を設立し、ドイツ人のパートナーであるミュラー氏と共に、欧州有数の日本酒専門輸入販売会社に成長させました。





日本酒の本『SAKE The Art and craft of Japan’s National Drink』







対談「欧州の日本酒市場 外国人にSAKEを売る秘訣、お教えします」










私自身、Miss SAKEの活動を始めた頃にドイツ語で日本酒について学びたくて調べた際、上野様の存在を知りました。当時は海外で日本酒を広めることの難しさをまだ理解できていませんでしたが、実際に海外での活動を経験してからは、文化や言葉の違いによるギャップを少なからず感じることがありました。

初めてお目にかかったProWeinや、先日ご一緒させていただいたSake Week Viennaにて、ご一緒させていただいた方々から上野様やウエノグルメについてのお話を伺い、上野様のこれまでのご功績に改めて感銘を受けました。






2023 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 齋藤ひかり

[ For English Speakers ]

Miss SAKE served as the host at the publication celebration party for Ms. Yoshiko Ueno-Müller’s new book

*The official photos of the launch party used in this article are taken by Markus Bassler.

Hello everyone. 

I am Hikari Saito, 2023 Miss SAKE Japan Runner-up.

It is getting colder day by day, but I hope you are all doing well.

On November 6, 2024, a publication celebration party for Ms. Yoshiko Ueno-Müller’s new book was held in Tokyo, and I was honored to serve as the host.

About Ms. Yoshiko Ueno-Müller

Ms. Yoshiko Ueno-Müller was born in Tokyo and has been based in Germany since 1989. In 2005, she founded “Ueno Gourmet” and grew it into one of Europe’s leading Sake importers and distributors together with her German partner, Mr. Müller

As a leading authority on Sake education, she has taught over 1,000 sommeliers the art of Sake tasting and pairing over the past two decades, including at the German Chamber of Commerce’s Sommelier School. She also serves as the local coordinator for the National Tax Agency’s “Sake Export Promotion Project,” organizing Sake pairing dinners with top chefs in Germany and playing a key role in launching the world’s first Sake pairing competition.

Her extensive contributions have been widely recognized, and in 2011, she was awarded the prestigious title of “Sake Samurai“.

Publication launch party

In the first part of the event, Ms. Ueno-Müller gave a presentation on the overview of her book and the thoughts behind its creation. 

During the presentation, Ms. Ueno-Müller shared her thoughts and insights on the book, showing us photographs featured in the book and explaining the elements she was particularly passionate about. 

“SAKE The Art and craft of Japan’s National Drink”

The book is divided into three main chapters, covering the basics of Sake, its cultural and traditional aspects, and introducing the multifaceted appeal of Sake. The pairing chapter presents actual Sake options categorized by taste, along with a spotlight on Sake breweries and establishments across Japan, including Tokyo. The content is rich and packed with a wide range of information.

The book features stunning photography by Markus Bassler, a renowned photographer specializing in high-end cuisine and gourmet magazines in Germany. His expressive images, along with Ms. Ueno-Müller’s words will undoubtedly draw readers into this world, inspiring them to experience it firsthand.


Dialogue: “The Secrets to Selling Sake to Foreigners”

Afterward, she engaged in a discussion with Mr. Toshiaki Yamada of the Sake Culture Institute, where she shared her experience selling Sake in overseas.

During the conversation, it became clear that when Ms. Ueno-Müller first moved to Germany, she worked tirelessly to promote Sake, as both Sake and Japanese food culture were virtually unknown in Europe at the time. 

Through perseverance and trial and error, she gradually built trust. It was evident that Ms. Ueno-Müller’s passion and dedication were key to establishing Sake’s position in the German-speaking world today.

Sake Tasting

In the second part of the party, a variety of Sake from 20 different breweries, personally selected by Ms. Ueno-Müller, was served alongside Western cuisine. 

As Ms. Ueno-Müller is usually based in Germany, opportunities to meet her in person are rare, and many guests were excited to spend time with her, enjoying a delightful moment together.

When I first began my journey as Miss SAKE, I wanted to learn about Sake more in detail in German, and that’s when I came across Ms. Ueno-Müller’s work. At ProWein and more recently at Sake Week Vienna, I had the opportunity to hear from those I met about Ms. Ueno-Müller and Ueno Gourmet. I was once again deeply impressed by her remarkable achievements.

Ms. Ueno-Müller, congratulations on the publication of your new book. I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to serve as the host for this event.

Hikari Saito

2023 Miss SAKE Japan Runner-up


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