Miss SAKE News/Blog

2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子(やまだ ことこ)です

2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子と申します。

どこまでも広がる気持ちの良い青空に、夏の気配を感じました去る6月23日にウェスティン都ホテル京都にて2023 Miss SAKE 最終選考会が開催され、私、山田琴子は10代目のMiss SAKE Japanに選出いただきました。

Miss SAKEにとっても節目の年である10代目のMiss SAKEとして選出いただきましたこと、大変嬉しく、身の引き締まる思いでございます。


私達の視野を広げ、日本酒や日本文化の魅力を教えてくださったナデシコプログラムの講師の皆様、私達をいつも温かく迎え入れてくださった石川酒造様、私が日本酒の物語を届けたいという夢を持つきっかけになった神奈川県酒造組合の皆様、時には厳しく時には優しく家族のように親身に私達をガイドくださったMiss SAKE事務局の皆様、一番近いところで背中を押してくれた大好きな家族、そして、個性と魅力に溢れる優しい大好きなファイナリストの皆。

Miss SAKEの活動を支えてくださった、全ての皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。






これまで培ってきた、アメリカ、オーストラリアでの知見や、世界に広がる繋がりを活かし、Miss SAKEの更なる海外での活動や、日本酒と日本文化への更なる理解をより多くの方に深めていただけますよう尽力してまいります。




2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子

Instagram : @misssake_kotoko
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@MissSAKEChannel

[English Below] 

Hello everyone, I am 2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada.

On June 23rd, under the pleasant summer sky, the final selection event of the 2023 Miss SAKE competition took place at The Westin Miyako Kyoto. I am incredibly honored to announce that I have been chosen as the 10th Miss SAKE Japan.

Being selected as the 10th Miss SAKE, a significant milestone for the Miss SAKE organization, fills me with great joy and a sense of responsibility.

Last year, while attending a sake event with my family, I was captivated by the elegance and intelligence of the 9th Miss SAKE, Ms.Isobe, who served as an ambassador of Japanese culture. It feels surreal to stand before all of you just one year later, representing Miss SAKE Japan. I owe this opportunity to the knowledge and experiences gained during the three-month-long Nadeshiko Program, as well as the encounters with many inspiring individuals.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the instructors of the Nadeshiko Program, who broadened our horizons and taught us about the charms of sake and Japanese culture. I am grateful to Ishikawa Brewery for their warm welcome and support, and to the Kanagawa Sake Brewers Association, who ignited my dream of sharing the story of sake. The Miss SAKE team, who always guided us with both strictness and kindness, my beloved family who supported me from the closest distance, and the exceptional finalists who are full of individuality and charm—I am thankful to all of you.

To all those who have supported Miss SAKE’s activities, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This year’s group of finalists consisted of strong and charismatic women, each possessing their own unique radiance. The three months we spent together, supporting and inspiring each other, have greatly contributed to my personal growth. I feel immensely proud and excited to continue our activities as a team.

My goal is to connect people through the power of “Shu-en” (sake bonds) and share the stories embedded in Japanese sake with the world. 

This aspiration stems from an experience during my university years when I studied abroad in the United States. Despite being a stranger without any acquaintances, I formed my first foreign friendship through the “onigiri” (rice ball) I had in hand. Since then, Japanese cuisine and sake have allowed me to forge invaluable connections with friends in 23 countries worldwide.

I firmly believe that Japanese culture, including sake, has the power to bring people together.

Through the power of sake, which can connect individuals, I aim to spread the stories of Japan’s traditions, culture, and emotions encapsulated in every drop of sake to the world. 

Drawing from my experiences in the United States and Australia and the connections I have established globally, I will strive to deepen the understanding of Japanese sake and culture, as well as further promote Miss SAKE’s activities abroad.

I will continue to share updates and information about our activities through blogs and social media, so please stay tuned and check for updates.

Thank you for reading until the end. I sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and guidance.

Yours sincerely,

2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada


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2024 Miss SAKE Japan ファイナリスト

2024 Miss SAKE 最終選考会 Full Movie

2023 Miss SAKE 最終選考会 ダイジェスト

Miss SAKE 応募詳細はこちら

Miss SAKE出演・講演・取材依頼





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