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ONESTORYプロデュース『加温熟成解脱酒』ペアリングイベントに2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実が伺いました。

the Paring Event of Kaon Jukusei Gedatsusyu, a New Style Sake Produced by AKITA SHURUI SEIZOH Co.,Ltd.

[English Follows ]

皆様こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。

1月25日、代官山『An Di』にて開催されたONESTORYプロデュース『加温熟成解脱酒』ペアリングイベントに伺って参りました。『加温熟成解脱酒』は銘酒・高清水で有名な秋田県の酒蔵、秋田酒類製造株式会社様が、新たなスタイルを打ち出すべく作られた日本酒です。



ペアリングでは、3つの異なる温度帯での『加温熟成解脱酒』の変化を、日本を代表するワインテイスターでシニアソムリエでいらっしゃる大越基裕様プロデュースのモダンベトナムレストラン『An Di』の3品のお料理と共に楽しませて頂きました。





清酒「高清水」醸造元 秋田酒類製造株式会社 生産本部長の古木吉孝様曰く、『解脱』という名の由来は、熟成とともに発生する『熟成滓』にあるのだそうです。熟成に伴い生じる渋みやえぐみが、この『熟成滓』とともに沈殿し、まさに『解脱』のごとく洗練された透明感ある味わいを可能にするのだそうです。

(写真)左より清酒「高清水」醸造元 秋田酒類製造株式会社 生産本部長の古木吉孝様、『An Di』オーナー/ ワインテイスター/ シニアソムリエ 大越基裕様。



2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実

[for English Speakers ]

Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE. 

On January 25, I participated in the paring event of Kaon Jukusei Gedatsusyu, a new style sake produced by AKITA SHURUI SEIZOH Co.,Ltd. 

Kaon Jukusei Gedatsusyu has both aging flavor and freshness together, which has been thought impossible to realize in the world of SAKE. The novel taste has become a popular topic of conversations among notable sommeliers in France. So, this time, a special paring event to appreciate Gedatsusyu was held.

At the event, we had three kinds of Modern Vietnamese dishes of Restaurant “An Di,” which is organized by Mr. Motohiro Okoshi, one of the leading wine tasters and sommeliers in Japan, with Gedatsusyu at three different temperatures. 

Throughout the parings, we could find different tastes and flavors in Gedatsusyu of each temperature, and find new impressions with each dish. So the paring was  full of pleasant surprises.

In the name of Kaon Jukusei Gedatsusyu, Kaon means heating, Jukusei means aging and mellow, and Gedatsu means emancipation in Buddhism. Mr. Yoshitaka Furuki, the executive director of AKITA SHURUI SEIZOH Co.,Ltd., explained that the key of Gedatsusyu is a special kind of sake lees deriving from aging, which take off the strong and bitter taste and make it fresh and light while leaving the caramel-like mellow flavor.

The process is exactly like emancipation in Buddhism, so it was named Gedatsusyu, meaning sake of emancipation.


Technically speaking, Gedatsusyu is categorized as Japanese SAKE. But I felt the unique taste and flavor, containing mellowness and freshness together, is beyond the existing genre of SAKE. 

Through the amazing paring, I could feel the strong possibility of SAKE not only in Japan but all around the world. We extend our appreciation to all the people involved.

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE

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