Miss SAKE News/Blog

きもの文化教室開講40周年記念式典にMiss SAKEが伺いました

Miss SAKE attended the 40th anniversary ceremony of the “Kimono Culture Class” by the Association for Promoting the National Costume Culture of Japan(English Below)



2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。

1月に一般財団法人民族衣裳文化普及協会様の「きもの文化教室開講40周年」のお祝いの記念式典とパーティーに弊社団 代表理事 大西美香同行の元、2023 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 齋藤ひかりさんと伺ってまいりました。








現在は、40周年のお祝いに、「40周年記念きもの講座」を行っており、大変光栄なことに、2023 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ森川裕希恵さんと私でモデルをさせていただいております。





詳細はこちら: https://www.wagokoro.com/course/instructor.html



また、民族衣裳文化普及協会様には、私たちMiss SAKEのファイナリストが受講する教養講座ナデシコプログラムにて振袖の自装方法を教えていただきました



2024 Miss SAKEも先生方に教えていただけるとのことで、今度は私も先生方に教えていただいたことを一緒に後輩に伝えていきたいなと思います。




式典は、公益社団法人日本ブライダル文化振興協会 専務理事 野田兼義様より民族衣裳文化普及協会様の歴史を交えたご挨拶をいただき始まりました。

その後、水島会長からのビデオメッセージ、きもの文化教室学長の武田富枝様から武田様からみた40年の歩みと、代表理事 原茂利様よりMrs SAKEの活動を含めて民族衣裳文化普及協会様の今後の催しについてもご挨拶がございました。


お着物だけでなく、お着物を着用し、その中で学ぶ所作や人との振る舞い方などを含めた文化そのものを守ろうとされている学長 武田様のお言葉が大変印象に残りました。









<Mrs SAKEの募集>

パーティーでは様々なパフォーマンスののち、私たちMiss SAKEも舞台上にて私たちの活動のご紹介と、今年度より開催されますMrs SAKEの募集についてお話をさせていただきました。

Mrs SAKEの募集は2024年1月31日まで行っており、私たちと一緒に様々な日本文化を普及するための活動にあたっていただきます。最終選考会は、ホテル椿山荘東京にて開催されます。


Mrs SAKE ホームページ:https://www.mrssake.org/


Miss SAKE一同、Mrs SAKEの皆さまとの出会いを通して、様々なロールモデルとなる先輩女性の方とお会いできるのを大変楽しみにしております。


同世代の若い方にももっともっと気軽にお着物をファッションの選択肢の一つとして楽しんでいただけるよう、お着物の素晴らしさ、美しさも日本文化のアンバサダーであるMiss SAKEとして発信をしていきたいなと強く感じた1日となりました。





2023 Miss SAKE Japan 



English Below: 

Miss SAKE attended the 40th anniversary ceremony of the “Kimono Culture Class” by the Association for Promoting the National Costume Culture of Japan


Hello everyone,

I’m 2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada.

In January, I attended the commemorative ceremony and party for the 40th anniversary of the “Kimono Culture Class” hosted by the Association for Promoting the National Costume Culture of Japan. Accompanied by the representative director of our association, Mika Onishi, and together with 2023 Miss SAKE Semi-Grand Prix Hikari Saito, we were honored to participate in the event.

<About The Association for Promoting the National Costume Culture of Japan>

The Association for Promoting the National Costume Culture of Japan has been actively involved in spreading knowledge about Japanese kimono, ethnic costumes, and related cultural aspects such as dyeing, weaving, patterns, and design since 1977. Their activities include kimono dressing courses, participation in various events and exhibitions featuring Japanese ethnic costumes, and cooperation with museums. 

Notably, the Kimono Culture Class has been a part of their initiatives for 40 years, providing comprehensive education, including posture, behavior, and manners, along with kimono dressing.


Currently, they are conducting a special “40th Anniversary Kimono Course,” and I had the honor to model alongside Semi-Grand Prix winner Yukie Morikawa. The course provides a set including a washable kimono and all necessary tools for dressing, making it an excellent opportunity for everyone to experience wearing a kimono.

You can find more information about the course here (https://www.wagokoro.com/course/40th/).

In addition, there is also a class for people who want to not only learn but also get a licence to teach how to wear kimono. Currently, there are many teachers in the world who graduated from this course who is teaching the kimono culture across the world. For more information check here : https://www.wagokoro.com/course/instructor.html

<Ceremony and Party Highlights>

The ceremony and party took place at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo. The ceremony began with a speech from Mr Noda, Executive Director of the Bridal Institution Association, followed by an address from Ms Takeda, the Head of the Kimono Culture Class, reflecting on the 40-year journey of the Association, and also a video message from Mr Mizushima.

Later, Mr. Hara, the representative director, shared his thoughts on the association’s future events, including activities related to Mrs. SAKE. 

Ms Takeda emphasized that “kimono culture is a culture that goes beyond just wearing kimono.” This resonated deeply with me, highlighting the significance of not only the kimono itself but also the culture surrounding it.

“The kimono is a piece of artwork.”

This phrase was shared by a guest I met at the event. Kimono are adorned with various embroideries and paintings, each carrying its own heartfelt meaning. The tradition of wearing these painted artworks as traditional garments is a splendid and unique Japanese cultural practice.

Observing the diverse patterns and colors of everyone’s kimonos and obis was inspiring. It made me aspire to create a kimono that reflects my own personal sentiments someday.

The party featured lively performances, including a lion dance by Motobuto Ohayashiren and a special performance by Sachi Umezono, combining kyogen (traditional Japanese comic theater) and a musical. The lion dance, where the lion bit into our heads, was considered a symbol of good luck, symbolizing the lion which is a god “protecting” us.

The closing speech was delivered by Ms. Ogawa, the chief commissioner, marking the end of the party.

<Announcement of Mrs. SAKE Recruitment>

During the party, we, the Miss SAKE representatives, had the opportunity to introduce our activities and announce the recruitment for Mrs. SAKE 2024. 

The recruitment is open until January 31, and the final selection will take place at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo.

For more details and to apply, you can visit the Mrs. SAKE website (https://www.mrssake.org/), and you can find a blog post about the recruitment here (https://www.misssake.org/2024-mr-sake-start/).


We Miss SAKE members are looking forward to meeting and working with the wonderful women participating in Mrs. SAKE, becoming role models for us and younger generations.

Wearing a kimono, a traditional Japanese culture, has always been a significant part of our heritage. I hope to share the beauty and uniqueness of kimonos with more young people in my generation and encourage them to embrace kimono as a fashion choice.


Attending this memorable event and celebrating the 40th anniversary with everyone was truly an honor. 

Thank you for your continued guidance.


Best regards,

2023 Miss SAKE Japan

Kotoko Yamada

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