Rino Tanaka, 2017 Miss SAKE, and Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, made a courtesy visit to Mr. Hisatoshi Higuchi, the Mayor of Kashima City in Saga prefecture.
[English Follows]皆様、こんばんは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。
その開催を翌日に控えた3月23日に、鹿島市の樋口久俊市長のもとへ2017 ミス日本酒の田中梨乃さんと共に表敬訪問に伺って参りました。
鹿島市は市内の日本酒がIWC2011 チャンピオン・サケを受賞されたことを契機に、市全体として日本酒・酒蔵をテーマとした地域振興に取り組まれ、2012年に全国に先駆けて「酒蔵ツーリズム」を開催されました。
そして樋口久俊 市長、藤田洋一郎 副市長、中村雄一郎 観光協会会長からは、「日本酒を通して日本の文化を発信する」というミス日本酒の活動にも応援のお言葉を頂き、翌日からの鹿島酒蔵ツーリズムに向けて温かな歓迎をして頂きました。
2018 ミス日本酒
[for English Speakers]
Good evening, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.
On March 23rd, the day before the “Kashima Sakagura Tourism” was held, I made a courtesy visit to Mr. Hisatoshi Higuchi, the Mayor of Kashima City in Saga prefecture with Ms. Rino Tanaka, 2017 Miss SAKE.
Kashima City is one of the most famous brewery areas in the prefecture. And since one of the breweries in the city was chosen as the Champion Sake in the International Wine Challenge in 2011, Kashima City has promoted regional development featuring sake and sake breweries. And in 2012, the “Sakagura Tourism” was held ahead of other areas in Japan. The number of the visitors to the tour has increased year by year, and it reached more than 80000 last year!
Mr. Higuchi introduced us Kashima’s beautiful nature such as the Ariake Sea and Taradake and one of the most famous shrines in Japan, Yutoku Shrine as well as the “Kashima Sakagura Tourism”.
He also gave us words of encouragement to the activities of Miss SAKE whose mission is “to have people within and outside Japan know the greatness of Japanese culture including sake.”
The courtesy visit once again made us realize the necessity to make our knowledge of Japanese culture richer and deeper, so as to contribute to the development of Japanese culture including sake. As 2017 and 2018 Miss SAKE, we’d like to continue try our best to contribute to the development of sake culture.
I extend my appreciation to Mr. Higuchi for making a valuable time in his busy schedule.
Asami Sudo,
2018 Miss SAKE