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ワシントンD.C.で開催された2024 National Cherry Blossom Festivalに、Miss SAKEが参加させて頂きました

2022 Miss SAKE Japan 磯部里紗です。

2024年3月23日及び24日、アメリカ合衆国ワシントンD.C.で毎年春に行われる桜のお祭りNational Cherry Blossom Festival(全米桜祭り)に、2023 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 齋藤ひかりさんと共に参加させて頂きました。




3月23日、ワシントンD.C.市内のWarner Theatreでは、大勢の観客が集まり盛大な開会式が行われ、私たちも特別席で観劇させて頂きました。

在アメリカ合衆国日本国大使館 特命全権大使 山田重夫様、​​コロンビア特別区長 Muriel Bowser様、スポンサーであるANA米州室長兼ニューヨーク支店長 野村俊央様を初めとする関係者からのご挨拶の中では、この全米桜祭りが日米の友好関係を祝福し、より深める機会として称賛されていました



式典後には、ANA様主催による懇親会(PINK CARPET RECEPTION)が行われ、私達はゲストの皆様に日本酒をご紹介させて頂きました。


  • いづみ橋 純米大吟醸 とんぼラベル 楽風舞 生酛造り/ 神奈川県
  • 雨降(あふり) 山廃純米 Terra/O 雄町/ 神奈川県
  • 醸し人九平次 ( かもしびとくへいじ ) 純米大吟醸 山田錦  / 愛知県
  • 蓬莱泉 和 純米吟醸  / 愛知県
  • 天吹 吟乃紅衣
  • 天吹  Sakura Hubuki
  • 尾瀬の雪解け ロゼ
  • 賀茂鶴 特性ゴールド







最後に、このような素晴らしい機会を提供してくださった駐米日本国大使館三宅公使、ANAワシントン支店長上坪様、Happi Enterprises, LLC 平井様をはじめとする関係者の皆様に、心から感謝申し上げます。

2022 Miss SAKE Japan 磯部里紗


Hello everyone.
My name is Risa Isobe, the 2022 Miss SAKE Japan.

On March 23 and 24, 2024, I participated in the National Cherry Blossom Festival held every spring in Washington D.C., USA, together with Ms. Hikari Saito, the 2023 Miss SAKE runner-up.

The National Cherry Blossom Festival began on March 27, 1912, when Yukio Ozaki, then mayor of Tokyo, donated approximately 3,000 cherry trees to Washington, D.C., in hopes of promoting friendship between Japan and the U.S. Since then, the festival has evolved into an event that celebrates the friendship between the two countries. This year’s event, which runs through April 14, is so large that a total of 1.5 million people are expected to attend, with a variety of Japan-related events taking place throughout the day.

We were invited to participate in the National Cherry Blossom Festival, a wonderful symbol of the friendship between Japan and the U.S., and attended the opening ceremony, served sake at the reception, and performed on the ANA stage.



On March 23, a large crowd gathered at the Warner Theatre in Washington D.C. for the grand opening ceremony.

In their remarks, Ambassador Shigeo Yamada, Ambassador of Japan to the United States, Muriel Bowser, Mayor of the District of Columbia, Toshio Nomura, General Manager of ANA’s Americas Office and New York Branch, and other related officials emphasized that the National Cherry Blossom Festival is an opportunity to celebrate and deepen the friendship between the U.S. and Japan. They praised the National Cherry Blossom Festival as an opportunity to celebrate and deepen the friendship between the U.S. and Japan.

The event also featured several outstanding performances, the world-renowned performance of contemporary music composer and performer Mr. Kaoru Watanabe and the beautiful performance of the Washington Ballet choreographed by Mr. Jo Kanamori.

At the end of the event, a Japanese singer, Mr. Naotaro Moriyama, performed his famous song “Sakura”, which was a wonderful ending to the special ceremony.


After the ceremony, ANA hosted a PINK CARPET RECEPTION where we introduced Japanese sake to the guests.

Here is the sake list. The lineup included sake with sweet and sour flavors, pink sake, and sake brewed with flower yeast, inspired by today’s theme, “cherry blossoms”.
We were glad that many people were interested in listening to the explanation of sake and enjoyed tasting the sake.

  • Izumihashi Junmai Daiginjo Tonbo Label, Raku-fu-mai, Kimoto-zukuri / Kanagawa Prefecture
  • Afuri Yamahai Junmai Terra/O Yumach / Kanagawa Prefecture
  • Kamoshibito Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo Yamadanishiki / Aichi Prefecture
  • Houraisen Wa Junmai Ginjo / Aichi Prefecture
  • Amabuki Gin-no-Kurenai / Saga Prefecture
  • Amabuki Sakura Hubuki / Saga Prefecture
  • Oze no Yukidoke Rosé / Gunma Prefecture 
  • Kamotsuru Gold / Hiroshima Prefecture


I would like to introduce the “Stumpy” as a Japanese Cherry Tree that is loved by the locals.

The “Stumpy” cherry tree, which blooms along the banks of the Potomac River, one of Washington’s most famous cherry blossom viewing spots, is a short, stout tree with only a few branches growing from a thin trunk, but it has been loved for its annual blossoms.

However, it was decided that some of the cherry trees along the Potomac River would be cut down one by one starting in May for the construction of a levee, and among them was the cherry tree nicknamed “Stumpy”.

As this year will be the last, many sad voices from the local community have been posted on social networking sites.


Through this visit to Washington, D.C., it was very heartwarming to learn that Japanese cherry trees have been carefully nurtured and loved in the U.S. for more than 100 years across the sea, and that this festival has grown into a large-scale festival representing the entire United States.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Mr. Miyake, Minister, Embassy of Japan in the United States, Mr. Kamitsubo, Vice President & General Manager, ANA Washington D.C. Branch, Ms. Hirai, Happi Enterprises, LLC, and all the people involved for providing us with such a wonderful opportunity.

2022 Miss SAKE Japan Risa Isobe


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