the Nadeshiko Program Day4
[English Follows ]
皆様こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。
2月3日、第四回ナデシコプログラムが行われ、私も参加して参りました。この日は着付け講師 前井雅美様による着付け講座(総仕上げ編)が行われ、その後は私より和髪講座を行って参りました。
様々なレッスンが組み込まれているナデシコプログラムの中でも、着付け講座は今後の活動を行うにあたり大変重要な講座の一つです。振袖は帯の結び方が一般的なお着物とは異なる “変わり結び”となるため、本来であれば自装することは難しいとされておりますが、ミス日本酒の活動においてはヘア・メイクから着付けまでを全て自身で行います。
2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実
[for English Speakers ]
Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.
On February 3, I attended the Nadeshiko Program day4. On the day, we had a furisode-dressing lesson by Ms. Masami Maei, and I carried out a Japanese-style hair set lesson.
Furisode is a formal style of kimono for young unmarried women, and it’s actually designed for them to get dressed up in by someone. So, putting on furisode by ourselves is technically difficult. What’s more, when we wear furisode as Miss SAKEs, we have to get dressed quickly as well as beautifully. So, among the various kinds of Nadeshiko Program lessons, furisode dressing is one of the most important ones.
As the first and second lessons of furisode dressing were carried out the day before, the finalists did all the process of dressing kimono by themselves on the day. Although the schedule was too tight to master all the process of furisode dressing, I was impressed how hard the finalists try to master it. I hope and believe they will be able to put on furisode without any trouble, after a lot of practices with a sense of beauty.
Following the furisode-dressing lesson, I taught them Japanese-style hairdos by ourselves. Japanese hairdos when wearing kimono need an impression of refinement and elegance. Also, the “best style” differs from person to person and depending on occasions. So, I taught them that the best way to master the hairdos is everyday’s practice, just the same as kimono dressing.
By the lessons of the day, I believe the finalists learned a lot for their future activities. And I hope and believe they will be able to master the skills by everyday’s practice.
Once again, we extend our appreciation to Ms. Masami Maei for the valuable lessons.
Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE