Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, joined the 2018 General Meeting of “Dream of Cherry Blossom Road in Tohoku” Promotion Council at Miyagi Prefectural Office.
[English Follows]
2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。
7月31日、宮城県庁内広報室にて『東北・夢の桜街道推進協議会 平成30年度総会』が開催され、参加して参りました。


今回行われた推進協議会 平成30年度総会では、昨年度の活動・事業、そして今後の展望について多方面からのご報告がなされました。

また、この度、ミス日本酒の顧問をして頂いております、株式会社コーポ・サチ 代表取締役の平出淑惠様、そしてSAKEマダムとしてミス日本酒を応援してくださっておられる株式会社彩食絢美の手島麻記子様が同協議会のアドバイザーに就任なさることも決定いたしました。

2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実
[for English Speakers]
Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.
On July 31st, I joined the 2018 General Meeting of “Dream of Cherry Blossom Road in Tohoku” Promotion Council at Miyagi Prefectural Office.

“Dream of Cherry Blossom Road in Tohoku” was established as one of the Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Supporting Projects in 2011. Besides the Cherry Blossom Road project, they have “Tohoku Sake Breweries Touring Project”, too, and Miss SAKE Association have joined the Promotion Council.
This time, related ministries and government offices and related corporations reported on their projects of 2017 and 2018.
As foreign tourist to Japan has increased and more attention has been drawn to regional development by tourism, I could learn a lot of learnings on the recent situation and future tasks.
At the General Meeting, I reported on our promotion activities of “Tohoku Yume no Sakura-kaido” and “Dream of Cherry Blossom Road in Tohoku”, and expressed our willingness to contribute to the success of both projects.
And this time, two ladies who have greatly supported Miss SAKE Association were decided to assume office as advisers of the council; Ms. Toshie Hiraide, the representative director of Co-op SACHI Ltd. and advisor of Miss SAKE Association, and Ms. Makiko Tejima, CEO of Sai Shoku Ken Bi Co,Ltd and SAKE Madame.
Japan has distinct four seasons, and each of them has distinctive ways to enjoy it, such as sakura and Summer Festival, “Matsuri.” So, It would be a precious memory to enjoy what you can experience only in the season at the local place, which, of course includes local food and SAKE!
So, as Miss SAKE, we will continue to try our best to contribute to regional developments throughout Japan including “Dream of Cherry Blossom Road in Tohoku” and “Tohoku Sake Breweries Touring Project.”
Thank you very much.
Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE