Miss SAKE News/Blog

在マレーシア日本国大使館にて駐マレーシア特命全権大使 髙橋克彦様に2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子が表敬訪問に伺いました

2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada visited His Excellency Katsuhiko Takahashi, the Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia, at the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia [English Below]


2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。

朝の涼しさに秋を感じるようになりました11月10日、在マレーシア日本国大使館にて駐マレーシア特命全権大使 髙橋克彦様に一般社団法人Miss SAKE 代表理事 大西美香同行の元、2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子が表敬訪問に伺いました。


今年の7月には、2022 Miss SAKE Japan 磯部里紗がJETROクアラルンプール主催、日本吟醸酒協会協力、在マレーシア大使館後援の「日本酒商談会2023 in マレーシア」のイベントにてご一緒させていただいており、磯部に引き続き、私にも直接お話を伺う機会をいただきましたこと、感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。





2023 Miss SAKE Japan


Hello everyone,
I’m 2023 Miss SAKE Japan, Kotoko Yamada.

On the morning of November 10th, as the coolness of autumn became evident, I had the honor of making a courtesy visit to His Excellency Katsuhiko Takahashi, the Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia, at the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia.
Accompanied by Mika Onishi, the Representative Director of the Miss Sake Association, I, 2023 Miss SAKE Kotoko Yamada, had the opportunity to directly meet Ambassador Takahashi and convey our activities and our commitment to promoting Japanese sake and culture to the world.

It was a precious occasion to serve as an ambassador introducing Japanese sake to the world and share our passion for our activities and the dissemination of Japanese sake and culture with Ambassador Takahashi.

In July of this year, 2022 Miss SAKE Japan Risa Isobe had the privilege of participating in the “Sake Business Meeting 2023 in Malaysia” event, organized by JETRO Kuala Lumpur, with the cooperation of the Japan Ginjo Sake Association and the support of the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia. Following Miss Isobe, I was grateful to have the opportunity to speak directly with Ambassador Takahashi.

You can find the blog post about that event here:

In Malaysia, the export value of Japanese sake to Malaysia increased by 1.8 times compared to the previous year, indicating significant growth in the Malaysian market. Ambassador Takahashi mentioned that sake is produced all over Japan, from the north to the south, and expressed the hope that through enjoying Japanese sake, people in Malaysia would also turn their attention to regions in Japan beyond major cities.

As we move forward with the upcoming sake promotion events, I will do my best to deliver the depth of Japanese sake and culture to more people in Malaysia.

I express my heartfelt gratitude for the time you spared amidst your busy schedule. I look forward to your continued guidance and support in the future.

2023 Miss SAKE Japan,
Kotoko Yamada



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