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「日本酒商談会2023  in マレーシア」に2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗が参加致しました。

[English below]

皆様こんにちは。2022 Miss SAKEの磯部里紗です。

7月26日、JETROクアラルンプール主催、日本吟醸酒協会協力、在マレーシア大使館後援のもと、「日本酒商談会2023  in マレーシア」に参加致しました。






マレーシアでもっと多くの人に日本酒を楽しんでもらえるよう、今回の「吟醸酒を味わう会 in マレーシア」「日本酒商談会2023  in マレーシア」をきっかけに、さらに輸出が増えていくよう、私等Miss SAKEも微力ながら発信や現地の方とのコミュニケーションの面でお手伝いをしていけたらと思っています。


2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗

Hello everyone, my name is Risa Isobe, 2022 Miss SAKE Japan.

On July 26th, I participated in the “Sake Business Meeting 2023 in Malaysia” organized by JETRO Kuala Lumpur in cooperation with Japan Premium Sake Association and supported by the Embassy of Japan to Malaysia.

The first session was a matchmaking session between new sake breweries and importers looking to develop new business channels in Malaysia, and the second session was a matchmaking session between sake breweries who already have local import partners and those looking to further expand their business channels with restaurants, retailers, VIPs, etc. 

I heard that sake exports to Malaysia last year increased 1.8 times from the previous year. The Malaysian market is showing remarkable growth.
I also learned that sake is still a bit pricey at the moment in the market, and going to a high-end Japanese restaurant to drink sake has become a kind of status quo among local people. One one end, I am happy that people have an image of sake as a luxurious and delicious alcoholic beverage, but I would be even happier if more local people could enjoy sake more widely.

Malaysia is a multinational country with a wide variety of cuisines and seasonings, and I am sure that sake, which can be paired with a variety of foods, will go well with local cuisine as well. I hope that in the future the range of enjoyment of sake will expand even further in Malaysia.

As Ambassador Takahashi mentioned, sake is produced all over Japan, from the north to the south, so I believe that the enjoyment of sake by Malaysians will encourage them to look at other regions of Japan, not just big cities like Tokyo.
I would like to create such a good cycle of revitalizing all regions of Japan through promoting sake in various parts of the world.

Please watch our new YouTube video on Miss SAKE channel. Two women sake influencers, Itomiyu-san and Hiro-san, joined our video, so please enjoy!

Lastly, I spent two days with the members of the Japan Premium Sake Association in Malaysia, and I was very impressed by the passion of the sake brewers again.
I hope that the “Ginjyo-shu Tasting in Malaysia” and “Sake Business Meeting 2023 in Malaysia” will be a great milestone for more people to enjoy Japanese sake in Malaysia.

2022 Miss SAKE Risa Isobe


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