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東京オリンピックに向け『TOKYO 2020 1st World Press Briefing Reception』が開催され、ミス日本酒もアンバサダーとして参加してまいりました。

『TOKYO 2020 1st World Press Briefing Reception』に2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実と2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリ 堀井雅世が参加して参りました。

[English Follows]

皆様、こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。

9月4日、東京ビッグサイト TFTホール1000にて『TOKYO 2020 1st World Press Briefing Reception』が開催され、2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリ 堀井雅世さんとともに参加して参りました。

『TOKYO 2020 1st World Press Briefing』は復興庁様、東京都、公益財団法人 東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会組織委員会様主催の元、国内外メディア関係者約300名を対象に大会準備状況の報告や意見交換等を実施する第一回目のブリーフィングです。

ブリーフィング初日に開催されたレセプションでは、東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会組織委員会 森喜朗 会長、吉野正芳 復興大臣、東京都 小池百合子知事よりご挨拶があり、大会開催を2年後に控えた現在の状況のご報告とともに、2年後に向けた展望やご期待をお話しになられておりました。

また、お三方はご挨拶の中で 『東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会の成功は、被災地の復興無くして成し得ない』ことを共通してお話になっておられました。













『TOKYO 2020 1st World Press Briefing Reception』開催関係者の皆様、この度は大変貴重な機会を頂戴し、誠に有難うございました。

2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, joined “the TOKYO 2020 1st World Press Briefing Reception” at TFT Hall 1000 with Miss Masayo Horii, 2018 Miss SAKE runner-up.

[for English Speakers]

Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE. 

On September 4th, I joined “the TOKYO 2020 1st World Press Briefing Reception” at TFT Hall 1000 with Miss Masayo Horii, 2018 Miss SAKE runner-up.

“The TOKYO 2020 1st World Press Briefing” is held by the Reconstruction Agency, Tokyo Prefecture and the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games to report and discuss the recent Japanese situation toward TOKYO 2020.

About 300 guests from foreign press offices  joined the reception, and Mr. Yoshiro Mori, the chair person of the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Mr. Masayoshi Yoshino, the Minister for Reconstruction, and Ms. Yuriko Koike, the Governor of Tokyo, made speeches, where they all stated that the success of TOKYO 2020 cannot be realized without the reconstruction of the disaster‐stricken area.

So, at the reception, various foods and desserts made from ingredients from Tokyo, Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Prefecture were provided in a buffet style. Also, a special booth to introduce local products of Tokyo and the one to introduce SAKE of 3 Tohoku prefectures were set up. As Miss SAKE, we served SAKEs of Tohoku with the sake brewers. And we were very glad to see the smiles of    lots of guests after drinking delicious sake.

And beside the sake tasting booth, we could see the announcement panels of the Minister for Reconstruction to show the safeness of Japanese food.

Do you know the fact that the Government of Japan ensures food safety by thorough inspection for radioactive materials based on the most stringent reference value in the world, and only those products which have passed them reach domestic and international markets?

With regards to the rice produced in Fukushima Prefecture, for example, all the products are tested for the contamination of radioactive materials, and 100% of those produced after 2015 proved to contain the amount which is less than the standard level. All of marine products of Fukushima Prefecture which are distributed on the market contain less radioactive materials than the standard level.

The Government is making every effort to provide accurate information about the current situation in the Tohoku region including the eventual risks of radiation so that people can safely enjoy agricultural products and visit the region.  


By watching the panels, I strongly thought that I’d like to convey the right information inside and outside Japan, so that more people can enjoy such great Japanese food and Japanese SAKE. As Miss SAKE and also as a Japanese, I’d like to continue to try my best.

We extend our deep appreciation to people involved in the event.

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE


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