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「世界をつなぐ日本酒・SAKEの夕べ」に、Miss SAKEが参加してまいりました


2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子です。

7月19日、東京都千代田区、日本プレスセンタービルにて開催の「世界をつなぐ日本酒・SAKEの夕べ」に、2023 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 斎藤ひかりさん、2022 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 横田早紀さんそして私、2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子が参加させて頂きました。

私はこの日、イベントの司会進行を任せていただき、日本とモザンビークにとって友好を深める場でMiss SAKEとしてお手伝いができたことは大変光栄でした。


会は、Miss SAKEもお世話になっております、「酒サムライ」、そして元イラク・カタール・ユネスコ・カナダ大使の門司健次郎様のご挨拶から始まりました。門司様は本年1月に『日本酒外交』を上梓され、外交における日本酒の重要な役割とその可能性についてお話をくださいました 。

その後、農林中央金庫エグゼクティブアドバイザー・元農林水産審議官の大澤 誠様、 外務省大臣官房 官房長の志水 史雄様にお言葉をいただき、そして日本植物燃料 代表取締役の合田 真様からモザンビークの酒プロジェクトの説明がありました。

その後、日本植物燃料株式会社 取締役 尾立愛子様より 一般社団法人馬搬振興会 代表理事 三馬力者代表取締役 岩間敬様のご紹介と一般社団法人馬搬振興会の活動報告が行われました。岩間様は、馬搬文化の機会の創出と継承の取り組みに加え、馬搬材を使った木工製品の販売、馬耕で無農薬にて酒米も育てられていらっしゃいます。今回、この会にて振舞われたお酒「田人馬」は馬搬によって運ばれた天然木の木箱の中に馬耕で作られた酒米を使ったお酒が入っており、まさに岩間様の活動を表すお酒でした。

この日の乾杯は、国産の馬耕コシヒカリとモザンビークのお米をかけあわせた清酒「SAKE YASUKE(サケヤスケ)」にて行われました。

「SAKE YASUKE」は、日本とモザンビークの交流を象徴する特別なお酒です。モザンビークのカーボデルガド州のうるち米である「ムコジョ」という名前のお米を原料としており、麹には無肥料、無農薬で、人と馬の力により丁寧に育てられた貴重な国産コシヒカリ「馬耕米」を使用しています。この日本とモザンビークの原料を掛け合わせ、京都の招徳酒造様にて醸造され、出来上がったお酒です。


この「SAKE YASUKE」の名前はマガラ大臣より頂いたもので、織田信長に仕えた日本史上初の外国人で、モザンビーク出身の侍「弥助(やすけ)」にちなんで命名されたそうです。岸田首相がモザンビークを訪問した際にも、モザンビーク大統領主催の昼食会で乾杯のお酒として振舞われたそうです。

「SAKE YASUKE」に加え、この日は「田人馬」も振舞われました。「田人馬」は、馬に田畑を耕してもらう伝統農法のひとつである「馬耕(ばこう)」で耕し、人の手で作業し無農薬で育てられた五百万石から醸した日本酒です。馬がその土地の草を食み、その馬糞が堆肥となり土を作る、いわば日本のテロワールを体現する酒としてつくられました。



2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子


[English below] 

“Connecting the World with Japanese Sake: Evening of SAKE”


Hello, everyone.

I am 2023 Miss SAKE, Kotoko Yamada.

On July 19th, I participated in the “Evening of SAKE” held at the Japan Press Center Building in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, along with 2023 Miss SAKE Runner-up Hikari Saito and 2022 Miss SAKE Runner-up Saki Yokota.

On this day, I had the honor of serving as the emcee for the event, and it was truly a privilege for me as Miss SAKE to be able to contribute at this significant occasion to deepen the friendship between Japan and Mozambique.

We were delighted to have the presence of the Mozambican Minister of Transport and Communications, His Excellency Mr. Mateus Magala, and the Mozambican Ambassador to Japan, His Excellency Ambassador Morais, as our guest, making the event a valuable connection between Mozambique and Japan.

The event began with greetings from the “Sake Samurai,” Mr. Kenjiro Monji the former Ambassador to Iraq, Qatar, UNESCO, and Canada, who published the book “Sake Diplomacy” in January of this year, discussing the important role and potential of sake in diplomacy.

Subsequently, we received words from Mr. Makoto Osawa, Executive Advisor of the Norinchuoukinko Bank, former Vice-Minister for International Affairs of the Ministry of Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, Mr. Fumio Shimizu, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. In addition,  Mr. Makoto Goda, from Nippon Biodiesel Fuel Corporation gave a talk about the Sake project in Mozambique.

Subsequently, Ms. Aiko Odachi, Director of Nippon Biodiesel Fuel Corporation introduced Mr. Iwama Takashi Director of the Japan Horselogging Association and Sanbarikisha and his activities. Mr. Iwama is actively involved in creating opportunities for the promotion and preservation of horse transportation culture. Additionally, he sells woodwork products made from materials transported by horses and cultivates pesticide-free sake rice using horse plowing.

The sake “Tajinba” which was served at the event was a representation of Mr. Iwama’s efforts. It contained sake rice cultivated through horse plowing and was stored in a wooden box made from naturally transported wood, perfectly embodying Mr. Iwama’s activities.

The toast on this day was raised with the sake called “SAKE YASUKE,” a special Japanese sake that symbolizes the collaboration between Japan and Mozambique. It is made using the rice called “Mukojo,” from Cabo Delgado Province in Mozambique, and the precious domestic Koshihikari rice called “Bakou-mai,” grown organically and without fertilizers, using the combined effort of humans and horses. The sake is brewed by Shotoku Shuzo in Kyoto.

“Mukojo” is a locally produced product from a region that has been gradually recovering from the impacts of an unsettled situation, which caused significant hardship for many residents. The project was initiated with the cooperation of a local company, Nippon Biodiesel Fuel, aiming to support the region’s recovery efforts. In an attempt to reclaim their livelihoods, local farmers are cultivating “Mukojo” as a cash crop. With the assistance of Nippon Biodiesel Fuel, the harvested crops are purchased on-site as raw materials for the production of sake, and they are now exportable to Japan.

The name “SAKE YASUKE” was given by His Excellency Mr. Mateus Magala. It was named after “Yasuke,” a samurai from Mozambique, who served Oda Nobunaga and became the first foreign samurai in Japanese history. The sake was also served as the celebratory drink when Prime Minister Kishida visited Mozambique, at the lunch held by the Prime Minister of Mozambique.

In addition to “SAKE YASUKE,” another sake called “Tajinba” was presented. “Tajinba” is a Japanese sake made using the traditional farming method called “bakou,” where horses plow the fields, and human hands tend the crops without the use of pesticides. The sake is produced from Gohyakumangoku rice, which is cultivated through this process. The horses graze on the local grass, and their manure serves as compost to enrich the soil, making it a sake that embodies Japan’s terroir.

This event reaffirmed the power and charm that Japanese sake possesses. It serves as a cultural bridge and an essential catalyst for deepening exchanges with various countries, and I was reminded of its significance.

I sincerely hope that Japanese sake continues to be a bridge connecting the world, fostering further international exchanges and creating new friendships.

2023 Miss SAKE Kotoko Yamada

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