[“Handa sake gift set: taste and compare sake from two breweries” is now released]
2021 Miss SAKEの松崎未侑です。
この度、「銘醸地半田の日本酒ギフトセット 2蔵飲み比べセット」の販売が始まりました!
限定1,000 セットです!!
贈答品やお土産としても使いやすいギフトBOX 入りで、サイズも300mlなのでお気軽にいただけます♪
半田の観光PR リーフレットには、私のご紹介もしていただいております。
中埜酒造 特選國盛 純米吟醸 半田郷酵母1801
盛田金しゃち酒造 金鯱 夢吟香純米吟醸酒販売場所 半田赤レンガ建物、クラシティ、スーパーいしはら、魚太郎蔵のまち、その他市内酒販店
価 格 メーカー希望小売価格 1,500 円 (税込1,650 円)
企 画 半田市・半田市観光協会
製造元 中埜酒造(株)、盛田金しゃち酒造(株)、半田中央印刷(株)(オリジナルBOX、専用リーフレット等)
販売元 (株)竹耕
「中埜酒造 特選國盛 純米吟醸 半田郷酵母1801」は、
「盛田金しゃち酒造 金鯱 夢吟香純米吟醸酒」は、
限定1,000 セットです!
2021 Miss SAKE 松崎未侑
Hello, everyone.
My name is Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.
I am also the PR ambassador for Handa Brewery, Aichi Prefecture, my hometown.
Handa City, which is blessed with a mild climate and high-quality groundwater, has a history of more than 300 years in brewing, being called as a “brewery town”.
We released a “Handa sake gift set: taste and compare sake from two breweries”!
Limited to 1,000 sets!
This set includes sake from two breweries in Handa City, Nakano Shuzo and Morita Kinshachi Shuzo.
It comes in a gift box which is convenient for souvenir or a present. They have two of 300ml sake which are a good amount to try out.
My comment is also introduced in the Handa Tourism PR leaflet.
<The details of the sake set>
✔️Nakano Shuzo Tokusen Kunizakari Junmai Ginjo Handa-go Yeast 1801
✔️Morita Kinshachi Sake Brewery Kinshachi Yume Ginjo Junmai Ginjo Sake
Where to buy:
Handa Red Brick Building, Kuracity, Super Ishihara, Uotaro Kuranomachi, and other liquor stores in the city.
Price:1,500 yen (1,650 yen including tax)
Produced by Handa City, Handa City Tourism Association
Manufacturer: Nakano Shuzo Brewery, Morita Kinshachi Sake Brewery, Handa Chuo Printing (original box, special leaflet, etc.)
Distributor: Takeko Co.
Nakano Shuzo Tokusen Kunizakari Junmai Ginjo Handago Yeast 1801
It is gold medals winning sake that has both aroma and flavor and goes well with not only Japanese food but also cream cheese or other creamy light dish.
Morita Kinshachi Shuzo Kin-Shachi Yume Ginjoshu Junmai Ginjoshu
It is a mellow sake that can be enjoyed at room temperature or warmed.
Handa City is located in the center of the Chita Peninsula, facing Mikawa Bay to the east and Ise Bay to the west, and is rich in seafood and mountains.
The sake set is limited to 1,000 sets!
You can easily enjoy the charm of Handa’s sake with this set, so please use it as a souvenir or gift.
In the center of the city, there is the elegant Handa Canal.Please have a look at it on my self intro video!
2021 Miss SAKE
Miyu Matsuzaki