2021 Miss SAKE 松崎未侑です。
先日、東京都内で開催されたThink7 (T7)の懇親会に、2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗さんと出演いたしました。
Think7 (T7) は、シンクタンクによるG7 の公式エンゲージメント・グループです。T7のプロセスでは、G7議長国との連携のもと、世界のシンクタンクの研究者たちが、G7各国やパートナーの政策立案に役立つような調査研究に基づく政策提言を取りまとめます。T7Japanサミットでは、5月19日から21日にかけて開催されるG7広島サミットで行われる政策論議などを支えるべく、G7および世界中の専門家により提案された政策提言について議論を交わしていきます。
メインテーマ「危機への対応、持続可能な開発の加速―G7・G20間の協調を目指 目指してー」の下でT7Japanタスクフォースが行ってきた調査研究を足掛かりとし、タスクフォースのテーマである「開発および経済的繁栄」、「ウェルビーイング、地球環境の持続可能性、公正な移行」、「未来のための科学およびデジタル化」、「平和、安全保障、グローバルガバナンス」を推し進めていくための具体的解決策の提供を目的に実施されました。
私たちMiss SAKEの英語で鏡開きのご説明と掛け声をかけとともに、会場全体が一丸となって「よいしょ」と声を合わせ、さらなる発展と平和を祈って懇親会の幕が開かれました。
今回は日本酒造組合中央会より東京都青梅市に位置する小澤酒造様の「澤乃井 純米吟醸」をご提供いただきました。
2021 Miss SAKE
Hello everyone.
My name is Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.
The other day, I appeared with Ms. Risa Isobe of 2022 Miss SAKE at the Think7 (T7) reception held in Tokyo.
Think7 (T7) is the official think tank engagement group of the Group of 7 (G7). Under the T7 process, global think tank experts develop research-based policy recommendations for consideration by G7 countries and partners, in coordination with the G7 presidency. In 2023, the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is chairing T7 as part of Japan’s G7 presidency.
The T7 Japan Summit will feature proposals developed by experts from G7 countries and worldwide to support policy discussions at the G7 Hiroshima Summit on 19-21 May and beyond. They draw upon research conducted via T7 Japan task forces under the theme Addressing Crises, Reigniting Sustainable Development, Bridging the G7 and Group of 20 (G20) and detail solutions to advance:
- Development and Economic Prosperity
- Wellbeing, Environmental Sustainability, and Just Transition
- Science and Digitalization for a Better Future
- Peace, Security, and Global Governance
The above text is reffered from the official Asian Development Bank Institute website.
We were honored to host the opening Kagamibiraki ceremony and serve sake at the reception venue.
Kagamibiraki is a ritual to pray for health and happiness on the occasion of a new start by opening a barrel of sake, and to wish for its fulfillment. Sake has long been used in a sacred Shinto rituals to wish for its fulfillment, praying for the divine.
The entire hall joined together in a united “yosho” call as we, Miss SAKE, explained the Kagami-Biraki ceremony in English and called out to the audience, wishing for further development and peace.
This time, the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association provided us with “Sawanoi Junmai Ginjo” from Ozawa Shuzo, located in Ome City, Tokyo.
We were honored to join researchers from around the world as they shared their thoughts on the day’s discussions and deepened their friendships while enjoying sake brewed in Tokyo with a soft taste of rice.
I hope that the G7 Hiroshima Summit, to be held from May 19 to 21, will be conducted safely and that steady steps will be taken toward a sustainable and coordinated world.
I would like to thank all the researchers who made the long flight from their countries to Japan, all the researchers from across Japan, and the Asian Development Bank Institute and its staff for their hard work in organizing this event.
2021 Miss SAKE
Miyu Matsuzaki