Miss SAKE News/Blog

駐日メキシコ大使館と、2021 Miss SAKEがオンライン意見交換をいたしました。

2021 Miss SAKE greeted the Embassy of Mexico in Japan [English below]
皆さま、こんにちは。2021 Miss SAKE の松崎未侑です。

駐日メキシコ大使館 文化・デジタル外交担当 バレリア・ソリス様と、木村様にお時間を頂戴し、弊社団 海外ディレクター 佐生颯平氏と共に、オンラインで意見交流をさせていただきました。




具体的に「メキシコ大使館シェフとMiss SAKEプレゼンツ タコス&日本酒」動画をはじめとして今後のイベントでの交流、テキーラ&日本酒での国酒交流、Miss SAKE メキシコの展開の可能性、大使館の訪問等についてお話しさせていただきました。





2021 Miss SAKE 松崎未侑

[2021 Miss SAKE greeted the Embassy of Mexico in Japan]

Hello everyone, this is Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.

Ms. Valeria Solis, culture and digital diplomacy, and Ms. Sachiko Kimura from the Embassy of Mexico in Japan took the time to have a talk with me online, together with Mr. Sohei Sasao, our Overseas Director.

When you think of Mexico, you probably think of tacos and tequila.
However, did you know that Mexican gastronomy is also a part of the World’s Immaterial Cultural Heritage?

Mexico was once home to ancient civilisations such as the Olmecs, Mayans and Aztecs. The food culture of the indigenous people, which dates back to B.C., and the European food culture brought about by the Spanish rule in the 16th century, have been fused and passed down to the present day. On Youtube, you can find recipes of Mexican cuisine taught by a chef from the Embassy. All of them look very characteristic and delicious.

Japanese food is also a World Immaterial Cultural Heritage, but there are only 8 types of food registered worldwide.
It seems that Mexico and Japan, with their ancient cultures and traditions, would have a lot in common.

Mexico is also famous for its diverse culture and archaeological sites, Spanish language, murals and other art, and its Catholic religion.

In the discussion, we exchanged our ideas on the upcoming possibilities of cultural exchange between Mexico and Japan such as the “Tacos & Sake pairing presented by the Mexican Embassy Chef and Miss SAKE “ video, further events on national alcoholic beverages :tequila and sake, Miss SAKE Mexico, and visiting the Embassy in person.


Since my hobby is salsa dancing, I heard from a friend of mine who studied in Mexico that Mexican people are so integrated into their dancing culture that they enjoy cumbia and salsa dance among families.

International cultural exchange starts by understanding the culture of the others.
They seemed very happy when I told them about cumbia and when I introduced myself in Spanish, their language.
I will try my best to become an ambassador of Japanese culture who can convey the charm of it in a fun and natural way to those from different cultures and backgrounds.

Despite the short time we spent together, it was a very fruitful opinion exchange.
We are truly grateful for Ms. Valeria and Ms. Kimura for their kindness even though this was our first contact.

2021 Miss SAKE Miyu Matsuzaki


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