2021 Miss SAKE visited Ishikawa Brewery and guesthouse SHUBOU. [English below]
2021 Miss SAKEの松崎未侑です。
先日、東京都福生市にございます「多満自慢」で有名な石川酒造様と、石川酒造様敷地内にございますゲストハウス 酒坊 “SHUBOU” – 多満自慢様へ訪問させて頂きました。
江戸時代以降に作られた、国の登録有形文化財に指定された建造物 6 棟をプロデュースしており、大きなケヤキが見守る敷地にはゆるやかに時間が流れ、 季節ごとの日本酒やビールの魅力に出会うことができます。
石川酒造様の歴史は文久3 年(1863)9 月1 日(旧暦)に始まります。 多摩川の対岸、小川村(現在のあきる野市)の森田酒造様の蔵を借りて13代当主和吉様が酒造りを始めました。 森田酒造様の「八重菊」と姉妹関係ということで、創業銘柄は「八重桜(やえさくら)」としました。 多満自慢、八重桜、八重梅の酒商標 その後、大正8 年(1919)に「八重梅」と改められ、昭和8 年(1933)から現在の「多満自慢」の銘柄名を使用しています。
ゲストハウス 酒坊 “SHUBOU” – 多満自慢
「酒飲みのテーマパーク」石川酒造の敷地内に建てられたゲストハウス酒坊 “SHUBOU” – 多満自慢。
ナデシコプログラムの計画には数多くの方々のお力添えを賜っていることを深く実感し、皆様のMiss SAKEの活動へ期待を再認識する機会になりました。今後も、官民協働で日本酒をはじめとした日本文化の振興及び、地域全体の活性化に寄与できるように使命感を持って精進して参ります。
酒坊 代表取締役 北村公克様、支配人 首藤陽子様、石川酒造 代表取締役社長 石川彌八郎様、営業部 部長 小池貴宏様、福生市 生活環境部 シティーセールス推進課 古谷清幸様、髙橋直之様、福生市商工会 事務局長 山﨑秀樹様をはじめとした関係者の皆様に心より御礼申し上げます。
2021 Miss SAKE
2021 Miss SAKE visited Ishikawa Brewery and guesthouse SHUBOU.
Hello, everyone.
I am Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.
The other day, we visited Ishikawa Brewery and guesthouse SHUBOU in Fussa city, Tokyo, which is the countryside of Tokyo.
Ishikawa Sake Brewery
Are you curious of visiting a brewery, but you don’t know which brewery to visit in Japan? One of the great breweries where you can have an amazing experience is Ishikawa Sake Brewery.
Ishikawa Sake Brewery is so called a “theme park for sake lovers”.
The brewery produces six buildings that were built after the Edo period and are designated as Tangible Cultural Properties of Japan.
Just by visiting the brewery, you can feel the atmosphere of going back in time to the Edo period.
*The photo is from the official website.
During the visit, the brewers were kind enough to show us around the brewery, the Kumagawa Branch which drew water from the upper reaches of the Tama River for domestic use, the Japanese beer and sake brewing archives, and restaurants.
There are open spaces all over the place. They held live jazz and blues events from time to time, making the brewery a popular playground for many people. I hope you have a great time after the pandemic has calm down in this theme park for sake lovers.
Guesthouse SHUBOU is located on the premises of the Ishikawa Sake Brewery, a theme park for sake lovers.
You can experience the NEXT “SAKE” WORLD together here right next to the historic and traditional area of the Edo period. This is where people from all over the world can discover the joy of encountering various sake while stretching their wings in the rich nature of Nishitama area, the countryside of Tokyo.
The open-plan guesthouse is a warm wooden building with a vaulted ceiling, offering Japanese-style private rooms for up to two people and capsule-type rooms.
There is a restaurant/cafe space on the ground floor where you can enjoy a delicious lunch and a wide range of sake from Ishikawa Shuzo and more.
Moreover, there will be held “Weekend cocktail party” and “handmade sake lees beauty essence session” by the guesthouse.
There is also a tent sauna during the winter months to refresh your body and soul!
During my visit, I had the opportunity to enjoy a set of “obanzai” (traditional Japanese dishes) and a hot pot, as well as some sake from Ishikawa Shuzo.
As the whole building can be rented out, it can also be used for corporate training or for university students’ camps.
For the 2022 Nadesico program, we are planning an overnight stay at Shukubo and the rental of lecture rooms and Japanese-style rooms by Ishikawa Sake Brewery.
The Nadeshiko Programme has been held in a variety of hotels and rental conference rooms, moving from place to place in the past. This year, we are planning to make it even more convenient and wonderful, with the help of Shubou, Ishikawa Sake Brewery and others.
In the afternoon we visited Fussa City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to say hello and to talk about future collaborations and publicity for the city.
I came to realize that the many people give us a hand to provide a meaningful lectures/training to women through the Nadesico program. This finding reminded me of the encouragement of countless people for Miss SAKE’s activities as well. We will continue to work hard to contribute to the promotion of Japanese culture, including sake, and the revitalisation of Japan through public-private cooperation.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those involved.
2021 Miss SAKE
Miyu Matsuzaki