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駐日ペルー大使館へ、2021 Miss SAKEが表敬訪問いたしました。

[English below]
皆さま、こんにちは。2021 Miss SAKE の松崎未侑です。

先日、ペルー大使館 二等書記官 アレハンドロ・イダルゴ様と、高山サンドラ様を、弊社団 海外ディレクター 佐生颯平氏の同行のもと、表敬訪問いたしました。







女性の社会進出を掲げるMiss SAKEとも高い親和性を感じる文化であります。


今後ペルーと日本の友好の証として、私もMiss SAKEとして交流をさせていただけるのが待ち遠しいです。

お忙しいところお時間を設けてくださいました、駐日ペルー大使館  二等書記官 アレハンドロ・イダルゴ様と、高山サンドラ様に感謝申し上げます。


2021 Miss SAKE  松崎未侑


[2021 Miss SAKE visited Peru Embassy.]

Hello everyone, this is Miyu Matsuzaki from 2021 Miss SAKE.

I visited Mr. Alejandro Hidalgo, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Peru, and Ms. Sandra Takayama, accompanied by Sohei Sasho, Overseas Director of our company.

Peru is the third largest country in South America and is home to a total of 12 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Machu Picchu and Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire.
Peru has a long history of civilization. Civilization was born thousands of years ago in the cool Andes Mountains and flourished for a long time, and there are more than 5,000 archeological sites in Peru. The official language is Spanish, but there are 47 indigenous languages, including Quechua and Aymara. As such, Peru is a cultural mecca that attracts many tourists.

In this visit, we discussed over the future of cultural exchange between Peru and Japan though national alcoholic beverages: Pisco and Sake.

Pisco is a distilled alcoholic beverage made by fermenting the juice of pisco grapes, and is famous for the “pisco sour” cocktail, which is made with whipped egg whites: meringue.

Since there are three types of Pisco, it I enjoyed straight as well as in cocktails.
Aguardente, a grape juice spirit, is drunk all over the world, especially in Europe. However, pisco is characterized by its rich taste, as it is made with more grape juice than regular aguardente. We received three kinds of Pisco as souvenirs.

In order to make a distilled spirit called “pisco,” there are several conditions such as a specific region to grow grapes. This is exactly like the rule of Nihonshu which need to be produced domestically in Japan to be called as Nihonshu*. I learned that around the world, the production of local alcoholic beverages brings jobs in the area to sustain and support the local economy.
(*”Nihonshu” produced overseas is classified as “seishu.”)

Also, as my hobby is capoeira, I had a chance to watch a Peruvian dance called marinera when I attended an international exchange fair.
Marinera is a traditional dance of the coastal areas, and is a dance led by women.
It is a culture that has something in common with Miss SAKE, which promotes the advancement of women in society.

During our visit, we also had a chance to see colorful traditional Peruvian costumes.

Peru will celebrate 150 years of diplomatic relations with Japan in 2023.
As a sign of friendship between the Republic of Peru and Japan, I can’t wait to have the opportunity to interact with you as Miss SAKE.

I would like to thank Mr. Alejandro Hidalgo, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Peru in Japan, and Ms. Sandra Takayama for taking time out of their busy schedules to meet with us.

Thank you very much for making this heartwarming visit possible.

2021 Miss SAKE, Miyu Matsuzaki


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