Miss SAKE News/Blog

2024 Miss SAKE India 大会が開催されます


2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。


Miss SAKEでは、日本人のアンバサダーであるMiss SAKE Japanの他に、海外にて日本が大好きな現地の方にその現地のMiss SAKEとして就任いただき、日本の魅力をご自身の母国にてご紹介いただくという活動を行っております。


そんな中、来月2月にインドにて『2024 Miss SAKE India大会』が開催されます!


新たに新しいMiss SAKEメンバーをMiss SAKE Familyへお迎えできますことを大変楽しみにしております。


<Miss SAKE India大会 in ムンバイ>

Miss SAKE India大会は、2024年2月9日にムンバイのWorld Trade Centerにて開催されます。現在、募集を行っておりインド在住のインド国籍の女性を募集しております。

詳しい募集要項はこちらのフォームをご覧ください: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOswXaDz_n3Wx38amv22jgcqCz6yq11iNYqCj8V3j3mglg1w/viewform

2024 Miss SAKE India 公式 Instagram はこちら:https://www.instagram.com/miss_sake_india/

インドでのMiss SAKE India大会は、2回目となり1回目は2020年に初代Miss SAKE Indiaにウパスナ・グルングさんが選出されております。

2024 Miss SAKE Indiaグランプリを受賞された方は、副賞といたしまして日本の京都にて開催されます2024 Miss SAKE Japan 最終選考会と、翌日にございます京都での日本文化の研修に参加いただくことができます。




<日本酒 商談会 in デリー>

2月7日に、インド デリーにございます在インド日本大使館にて日本酒のPRセミナー商談会を実施いたします。

大変光栄なことに、私2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子が日本酒の講師として、インドの商談にいらした方々に日本酒の基礎知識をセミナーにてお話をさせていただくことになりました。









SNS等でも随時情報を発信してまいりますので、新しいMiss SAKE Familyを皆さまも是非温かく見守っていただけますと幸いです。


2023 Miss SAKE Japan



English Below: 

2024 Miss SAKE India Competition will be held in February 9th


Hello everyone,


I hope this message finds you well. 

I’m Kotoko Yamada, 2023 Miss SAKE Japan, and I’m delighted to share some exciting news with you in today’s blog post.


In the Miss SAKE initiative, in addition to the Japanese ambassador, Miss SAKE Japan, we appoint Miss SAKE representatives in various countries who love Japan and have them introduce the charms of Japan in their home countries. 

In this regard, I’m thrilled to announce that the ‘2024 Miss SAKE India Contest’ will take place next month in February!


<2024 Miss SAKE India Contest in Mumbai>

The Miss SAKE India Contest is scheduled for February 9, 2024, at the World Trade Center in Mumbai. We are currently accepting applications from Indian women residing in India.

For detailed application information, please visit the following form:

Miss SAKE India Application Form : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOswXaDz_n3Wx38amv22jgcqCz6yq11iNYqCj8V3j3mglg1w/viewform

Follow the official Instagram of Miss SAKE India 2024: https://www.instagram.com/miss_sake_india/

The 2024 Miss SAKE India Contest will be the second Miss SAKE contest we will be conducting in India. In 2022, the first Miss SAKE India was chosen and we are excited to welcome a new member into our family.

The winner of the 2024 Miss SAKE India Grand Prix will receive a special prize – the opportunity to participate in the final selection event of the 2024 Miss SAKE Japan and Japanese culture learning program in Kyoto.


Please feel free to share this information if you know anyone residing in India who has interest in the Japanese culture. 

We look forward to receiving many applications from India!


<Japanese Alcoholic Overseas Business Meeting in Delhi>

On February 7, at the Embassy of Japan in Delhi, we will hold a seminar and business meeting for the promotion of Japanese sake. 

I am honored to be a sake lecturer at this event, providing fundamental knowledge of Japanese sake to attendees involved in business discussions in India through a seminar before the business meeting.

Following my sake lecture in Malaysia last year, I’m grateful for the chance to share the knowledge gained from numerous sake breweries in Japan at different locations. I’m dedicated to preparing thoroughly to introduce the charm and tasting techniques of Japan’s national drink, sake.

For more details, please check here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2WwPqKy0MD/?igshid=dnlvNmFpZGViYzVn


The circle of “sake friendship” expanding through the medium of alcohol is truly heartwarming. 

Delicious sake and beautiful culture have the power to connect people across borders, and I’m once again deeply moved by this realization.


We will be sharing information on various social media platforms, and I sincerely hope you can warmly support the new members of the Miss SAKE Family.


Best regards,

Koto Yamada

2023 Miss SAKE Japan


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2024 Miss SAKE 最終選考会 Full Movie

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