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英語で学ぶ『酒瓶の色の秘密(The Secret behind the Colors of SAKE Bottle )』日英対訳

[English follows]



このような日本酒の酒瓶の色には何か目的があるのでしょうか、それとも個性やデザイン性を出すためのものなのでしょうか。 今回は、この酒瓶の色に隠された秘密をご紹介させていただきます。


英会話レッスンテーマ『酒瓶の色の秘密(The Secret behind the Colors of SAKE Bottle )』日英対訳

Unit 11. 酒瓶の色の秘密




紫外線吸収率はこれまでの色と比較すると低いものの、デザイン性を兼ね備えているのがブルーや透明です。爽やかさを演出したい夏酒や、年数が経つにつ れて色が変化してゆく古酒には、透明感のある瓶が使用されています。




【英訳】Unit 11. The Secret behind the Color of SAKE Bottle

You may have seen many Japanese SAKE bottles at liquor stores and restaurants where they sell SAKE. When you take a closer look, you will realize that there are so many color variations for SAKE bottles such as blue, green, brown and so on. Are these colors just for its design or is there any specific reason? This time, I would like to tell you the secret behind the colors.

To be brief, the reason why SAKE bottles are colored is to protect SAKE from ultraviolet rays.

And, The UV absorbency is different for each color. The best absorption is black and brown. These two colors are often found in the finest liquor and1.8 liter bottles that are supposed to be stored for a long time.

The second-best color is green. This color is the most common.

The other common color we see are blue and clear bottle. In this case, the UV absorbency level is lower compared to other colors, but the purpose is for the design. These colors are used for summer limited SAKE and aged SAKE that has characteristics on its color.

The important thing is that you have to store SAKE bottles in a cool and dark place regardless of the color. Maintain the quality of SAKE with the correct storage method and have a great time with it.

Sake is packed with Kuramoto’s commitments and thoughts, both in taste and appearance. The message from the maker is also included in the color of the SAKE bottle, such as “Easy to pick up people who are not familiar with sake” and “Let’s make use of the uniqueness of sake”.

Now, you got the meaning of the color of the SAKE bottle, hence you can appreciate not only taste of SAKE but also its appearance.





インストラクターの方にその疑問を投げかけると、”I think so too.”という答えが返ってきました。つまり、私たち日本人にとって魅力的なものが、必ずしも海外の方にとっても魅力的だとは限らないということです。今後、海外のお客様に対して日本酒をPRさせて頂く際は、海外の方にとって魅力的なものとは何か、ということを念頭に置きながら活動して参りたいと思います。




The theme for this time was “The Secret behind the Color of SAKE Bottle”.

[for English Speakers]

The theme for this time was “The Important Role of Yawaragi-mizu”.

I described what I learned this time below.

Unit 11. The Secret behind the Color of SAKE Bottle

You may have seen many Japanese SAKE bottles at liquor stores and restaurants where they sell SAKE. When you take a closer look, you will realize that there are so many color variations for SAKE bottles such as blue, green, brown and so on. Are these colors just for its design or is there any specific reason? This time, I would like to tell you the secret behind the colors.

To be brief, the reason why SAKE bottles are colored is to protect SAKE from ultraviolet rays.

And, The UV absorbency is different for each color. The best absorption is black and brown. These two colors are often found in the finest liquor and1.8 liter bottles that are supposed to be stored for a long time.

The second-best color is green. This color is the most common.

The other common color we see are blue and clear bottle. In this case, the UV absorbency level is lower compared to other colors, but the purpose is for the design. These colors are used for summer limited SAKE and aged SAKE that has characteristics on its color.

The important thing is that you have to store SAKE bottles in a cool and dark place regardless of the color. Maintain the quality of SAKE with the correct storage method and have a great time with it.

Sake is packed with Kuramoto’s commitments and thoughts, both in taste and appearance. The message from the maker is also included in the color of the SAKE bottle, such as “Easy to pick up people who are not familiar with sake” and “Let’s make use of the uniqueness of sake”.

Now, you got the meaning of the color of the SAKE bottle, hence you can appreciate not only taste of SAKE but also its appearance.

I will work hard to absorb many things in the next lesson.

GABA, thank you very much for this wonderful lesson.



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