the 40th Evening Party to Enjoy Ichinokura in Tokyo” at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo
[English Follows]
皆様こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。11月14日、ホテル椿山荘東京にて開催された【第40回 東京一ノ蔵を楽しむ会】に2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリ 児玉アメリア彩さんとともに参加して参りました。
(写真)写真左より株式会社一ノ蔵 代表取締役専務 浅見周平様、2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリ 児玉アメリア彩さん、2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実、株式会社一ノ蔵 代表取締役社長 鈴木整様。
『明るく 個性的で 使命感と躍動感のある人と企業でありたい。感動の自ら湧き上がる人間集団 それを一ノ蔵と呼びたい。』
この度のイベントに参加させて頂き、私達自身も、日本酒が持つ求心力、そしてそれを支える皆様の力強さを改めて実感させて頂くことができました。このような素晴らしい機会を頂戴いたしました株式会社一ノ蔵 代表取締役社長 鈴木整様をはじめとした一ノ蔵社員の皆様、この度は誠に有難うございました。
*なお当日のお写真の一部は、『一ノ蔵を楽しむ会』公式カメラマン バシフォト 板橋様より頂戴しております。
2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実
[for English Speakers]
Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.
On November 14th, I participated in “the 40th evening party to enjoy Ichinokura in Tokyo” at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo with Miss Aya Amelia Kodama, 2018 Miss SAKE runner-up.
(写真)平素より大変お世話になっている株式会社一ノ蔵 代表取締役社長 鈴木整様とともに。
The Ichinokura Co., Ltd. is one of the most famous sake breweries in Japan that even those who are not that familiar with sake know the brewery’s name. So, many people may think the brewery has a long history of more than 100 years since its foundation. But, in fact, the Ichinokura Co., Ltd. was founded in 1973 and has had the history of 45 years.
The somewhat shorter history for its high name recognition results from a unique story of its foundation. In 1973, according to the big change of national system on rice and sake, four sake breweries in Miyagi Prefecture merged to form a new brewery, which was the Ichinokura Co., Ltd. Since then, they have committed to both Tradition and Innovation, and produced a variety of sake from traditional tasted one to completely new style one.
The evening party to enjoy Ichinokura is an annual tasting event to enjoy such a great variety of Ichinokura sake with delicious food. On the day, we welcomed abot 1000 guests to the 40th anniversary party.
We were glad to see lots of guests express great smiles after drinking sake, which made us feel Ichinokura has been and will be loved by many people.
Also, It was an honor for us to have many words of encouragement to our activities. Together with the guests, we could spend a wonderful time, too. As goodwill ambassadors of SAKE and Japanese culture, we’d like to continue to try our best.
We extend our appreciation to Mr. Hitoshi Suzuki, the CEO of The Ichinokura Co., Ltd. and all the people involved in the event.
Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE