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『一般社団法人 awa酒協会 第5回認定お披露目会』に2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗が参加致しました。

Risa Isobe, 2022 Miss SAKE, attended “The 5th Awasake association ceremony” held at Roogtop Bar in Andaz Tokyo.

[English Follows]

2022 Miss SAKEの磯部里紗です。

10月13日、虎ノ門ヒルズ最上階に位置するアンダーズ東京のルーフトップバーにて開催された、『一般社団法人 awa酒協会 第5回認定お披露目会』に参加致しました。

「awa酒協会」は、2016年11月に設立された、スパークリング日本酒を醸す日本各地の蔵元で構成された一般社団法人です。世界の乾杯酒となることを目指して、厳格な品質基準と第三者機関での検査をクリアした銘柄だけを「AWA SAKE」と認定し、その品質向上と普及促進、市場の拡大のために活動されています。

そして、本年度「AWA SAKE」大使として叙任されたのは、世界的ソムリエの田崎真也様です。
また、初代「AWA SAKE」大使のフィリップ・ジャメス様も来日し、「AWA SAKE」の技術の素晴らしさについてお話しくださいました。

そして、今年度「AWA SAKE」に認定された新たなお酒は、齊藤酒造様の「英勲」、綾菊酒造様の「泡菊」でした。




他にも、ナデシコプログラムで講師をしてくださった平出淑恵様、最終選考会の審査員を務めてくださっているジャパンタイムズの大門小百合様、そしてMiss SAKE発足当初よりご支援くださっている酒サムライの門司健次郎様が会場にいらっしゃっていました。日頃より大変お世話になっている方々にお目にかかることができ、素晴らしいひとときとなりました。

awa酒は、乾杯はもちろんのこと、食中酒やデザート酒としても楽しめる、幅広いバリエーションがあると思います。世界でもっと注目してもらえるように、Miss SAKEとしてご支援させて頂きたいと思っております。

2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗

[for English Speakers]

Hello everyone.
This is Risa Isobe, 2022 Miss SAKE.

On 13th of October, I attended “The 5th Japan Awasake Association ceremony” held at the rooftop bar of Andaz Tokyo, located on the top floor of Toranomon Hills.

The Japan Awasake Association is an incorporated association established in November 2016 by and for Japanese breweries producing sparkling sake. The aim of the association is to constantly improve product quality, raise brand awareness, and expand to new markets. Only the products that comply with the strict association standards and pass our third-party quality control can receive the AWA SAKE certification. The association actively engages in various activities to position AWA SAKE as the new Japanese toasting sensation that makes the world say “Kampai”! (the Japan Awasake Association)

This year, Mr. Shinya Tasaki, a world-renowned sommelier, was appointed as the “AWA SAKE” Ambassador.
One of the first “AWA SAKE” Ambassador, Mr. Philippe Jamez, attended the ceremony and spoke about the excellence of the “AWA SAKE” technique.

The new sake certified this year as “AWA SAKE” were “Eikun” by Saito Shuzo and “Awagiku” by Ayagiku Shuzo.
Tasting the sake while listening to Mr. Tasaki’s vivid tasting comments, I think it was a wonderful tasting experience, as I could even feel aromas and flavors that I usually don’t notice myself.

I extend my congratulations on the newly acknowledged breweries, Saito Shuzo and Ayagiku Shuzo.

The toast was given by a famous Japanese actor, Takuro Tatsumi, a sake samurai and chairman of the Association of Japan Wine Lovers, who was also a lecturer at the Nadeshiko program. Also present were Mrs. Toshie Hiraide, a lecturer at the Nadeshiko Program, Mrs. Sayuri Daimon of The Japan Times, a judge for the Miss SAKE final contest, and Mr. Kenjiro Monji, a sake samurai who has supported Miss SAKE since its inception. I was very glad to meet them again.

I believe that AWA SAKE has a great potential as a toast drink as well as it has a wide range of variations that can be enjoyed also during meals or as a dessert sake. As Miss SAKE, I would like to support the Japan Awasake Association so that I will convey the charm of AWA SAKE to more and more people around the world.
Thank you.

2022 Miss SAKE Risa Isobe

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