Miss SAKE News/Blog

第二回ナデシコプログラムに2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実が参加して参りました。

the Nadeshiko Program Day2

[English Follows ]

皆様こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。1月27日、第二回ナデシコプログラムが行われ、私も参加して参りました。この日は華道未生流笹岡家元 笹岡隆甫様、株式会社フォトアンドスタイル奥村慎之助様、山本香様、名古屋大学客員教授 佐藤宣之様による講義・レッスンが行われました。











2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実

[for English Speakers ]

Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE. On January 27, I attended the Nadeshiko Program day2.

On the day, we had a lecture on “ikebana” by Mr. Ryuho Sasaoka, head of Mishoryu-Sasaoka School,  photo sessions and lectures on photo-shooting by Mr. Okumura and Ms. Yamamoto from photo-and-style Co., Ltd. and a lecture on the current international developments of SAKE by Prof. Noriyuki Sato, the guest professor of Nagoya University.

Ikebana is Japanese traditional art of “flower arrangements,” but it’s based on a different spirit from that of Western one. Mr. Sasaoka, who had a degree in architecture, explained the difference between Western and Japanese gardens and architectures. In Western ones, a great emphasis is put on symmetry, while Japanese people can find a beauty in asymmetry. He explained the asymmetry shows the generosity of Japanese people, who regard imperfection as elegant. By the lecture, I was deeply impressed by the Japanese sense of beauty.


In the photo session, the finalists had their photos taken from both right and left side, and after the shooting, they talked about which side was better for each finalist. During the Miss SAKE activities from now on, they’ll have a lot of opportunities to have their photos taken. So, I believe they learned a lot from the lesson for their future activities.


At the last lecture, Prof. Sato talked about the current international developments of SAKE. I’m sure that the lecture gave a lot of learnings to the finalists, as global ambassadors of SAKE. As Miss SAKEs, we’d like to continue to deepen our knowledge, and contribute to the greater development of SAKE culture overseas.

By the lectures and sessions of the day, I believe the finalists learned a lot for their future activities. Once again, we extend our appreciation to all the people involved for the valuable time.

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE

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