Miss SAKE News/Blog

『日産部品販売協会 中部・近畿支部 販売部会 』表彰式セレモニーにミス日本酒が参加して参りました。

神戸メリケンパークオリエンタルホテルにて開催された『日産部品販売協会 中部・近畿支部 販売部会 』表彰式セレモニーに2019 Miss SAKE 兵庫代表 石田まり、2018 Miss SAKE JAPAN 須藤亜紗実が参加して参りました。

[English Follows]

皆様こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。

4月20日、神戸メリケンパークオリエンタルホテルにて開催された『日産部品販売協会 中部・近畿支部 販売部会 』に2019 Miss SAKE 兵庫代表の石田まりさんとともに参加して参りました。

この度私たちは日産部品販売協会 中部・近畿支部にて優秀な実績を収められた社員の方々を表彰する表彰式にて、セレモニーのお手伝いをさせて頂きました。改めまして受賞者の皆様、この度は誠におめでとうございます。








2018 Miss SAKE JAPAN 須藤亜紗実

the Awarding Ceremony of Nissan Parts Sales Company, Chubu-Kinki region branch at KOBE MERIKEN PARK ORIENTAL HOTEL

[For English Speaker]

Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE JAPAN. 

On April 20, I attended the awarding ceremony of Nissan parts sales company, Chubu-Kinki region branch at KOBE MERIKEN PARK ORIENTAL HOTEL, with Miss Mari Ishida, 2019 Miss SAKE Hyogo.

At the awarding ceremony of Nissan parts sales company, they awarded the employees with highly outstanding achievements in Chubu and Kinki region. It was an honor for us to serve as assistant presenters of the award certificates. Once again, we offer the prize winners our congratulations and wish them continued success.

Following the ceremony, we joined the social gathering of the participants from around Chubu and Kinki region, and served specially selected SAKE of Hyogo Prefecture.  As you may know, Hyogo Prefecture has been deeply connected with SAKE, as one of the most historical and important sake brewing districts. 

On the day, while some guests said they don’t drink SAKE that often in their hometown, we were glad most of them said they loved the taste of SAKE after the tasting. 

Also, we were glad to have lots of words of encouragement to our activities of Miss SAKEs. As goodwill ambassadors of SAKE and Japanese culture, we’d like to try harder to have more people in the world get interested in SAKE.

Once again, we offer our congratulations to the prize winners, and extend our deep appreciation to all the people involved.

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE JAPAN


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