Miss SAKE News/Blog

Dojima Sake Breweryへ、2022 Miss SAKEが訪問いたしました(前編)

Dojima Sake Breweryへ、2022 Miss SAKEが訪問

2022 Miss SAKEの磯部里紗です。

先日、イギリス・ケンブリッジから程近いフォーダムアビーという自然豊かで歴史深い街で2018年より酒造りをされている、Dojima Sake Brewery(堂島酒醸造所)様をご訪問させて頂きました。




まず驚くべきは、Dojima Sake Brewery様が製造・販売している商品は、いずれも4合瓶1本あたり1,000ポンド(日本円で約16万円)以上の商品のみということです。



これまで日本酒は、その長い歴史の中で価格の幅が狭かっただけで、惜しみなく品質向上の努力がなされてきましたし、そうした高級レストランに足る品質である日本酒は市場に数えきれないほど存在すると思います。にもかかわらず、価格が高くないからという理由だけで入り口に立つことすらできないといった現状を打開するために、Dojima Sake Breweryは立ち上がったのです。



原料や醸造・管理方法といった、酒造りに関して品質を高めて価値を上げていくことはもちろんですが、Dojima Sake Breweryが大きな強みとしているのは、会員向けのエクスクルーシブな体験を提供するという、新しいアプローチの価値づくりにあると思います。







このような新しい付加価値づくりによって、Dojima Sake Brewery様は唯一無二のSAKEブランドを確立しているのだと思います。


2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗


Dojima Sake Breweryへ、2022 Miss SAKEが訪問いたしました(後編)


For English Speaker

Hello everyone.
My name is Risa Isobe, 2022 Miss SAKE.

I recently visited Dojima Sake Brewery, which has been brewing sake since 2018 in Fordham Abbey, a town with rich nature and deep history, not far from Cambridge, England.

While listening to CEO Kiyomi Hashimoto’s stories, we toured the brewery, gardens, fields, manor house, and restaurant, and had a very valuable experience tasting sake while enjoying English cuisine.

Redefining Sake with the logic of “Price = Value”

First of all, it is surprising to learn that Dojima Sake Brewery produces and sells bottles of sake at a price of more than 1,000 pounds (about 160,000 Japanese yen). Meanwhile, there is an important thought and an important strategy considered for the sake industry behind the pricing.

Kiyomi-san told me that it is common in Europe that people recognize the price as an important part of the value, so in world-recognized fine dining establishments, being expensive is seen as a form of trust. The mere fact that a product is inexpensive is enough to make people judge it to be of inferior quality or unworthy of being served in a restaurant.

Sake has only had a narrow price range over its long history, and there have been countless efforts to improve the quality of sake, and there are countless sake products on the market that are high enough quality to be served in such fine restaurants. Dojima Sake Brewery was established to overcome this situation.

Fostering added value through exclusive, members-only experiences

Thus began the creation of a thoroughgoing luxury brand of SAKE.

In addition to raising the quality and value of the ingredients, brewing and management methods, and other aspects of sake brewing, Dojima Sake Brewery’s great strength lies in its new approach to value creation by offering exclusive experiences to its members.

The vast grounds, which are the size of eight Tokyo Domes, include an 18th century listed manor house, a beautifully landscaped English garden and Japanese garden, a greenhouse, and a restaurant where organic fruits and vegetables are grown. All of these places are only open to members.

The most eye-catching feature is the cellar, where 2,000 bottles of “Cambridge” are lined up in a row with nicely lightnings.

When a customer purchases a bottle of Cambridge, he or she is entitled to a three-year membership, during which time the bottle is left in the cellar to mature.

The time spent excitedly waiting for the finished product for three years is also a special experience.

In the future, they are considering various premium experiences, such as creating a space where people can enjoy the beauty benefits of esthetics and spa treatments using SAKE, or offering an overnight stay plan where only one member per day can have the entire vast property to themselves.

By creating such new added value, Dojima Sake Brewery has established a one-of-a-kind SAKE brand.

To be continued in Part 2… Thank you for reading our blog.

2022 Miss SAKE Risa Isobe


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