英会話レッスンテーマ『日本酒の歴史(The History of SAKE)』日英対訳
Unit 2. 日本酒の歴史
【英訳】Unit 2. The history of sake
The history of sake has continued since rice farming started in Japan, so it can be said that the history of sake has developed along with the history of rice culture in Japan. Generally, it is said that rice farming started in Yayoi period, and it was about 2,000 years ago. In this period, sake was brewed by the most primitive method called Kuchikami. People chew heated rice well, and convert it into sugar using enzymes contained in saliva, and then promote fermentation with wild yeast.
In Nara period, (AD 710–794), a system of centralized government was established. In this era, the organization called sake-no Tsukasa(sake brewery office) was established, and they formed a brewing system for the Imperial Court. As a result, brewing technique developed further more.
In Heian period, (AD 794-1180), sake was indispensable during celebrative occasions, and has strong character like religious rituals. During the time, sake was reserved for the aristocracy.Therefore, common people hardly had it at that time. In this period, sake was brewed in large temples and it was called Soboshu.
During the Muromachi period around 15thcentury, hundreds of small-scale sake shops were born in Kyoto and sake came to be brewed throughout the year.
The brewing technique used today was established in Edo period around 18thcentury. Winter is the best season to brew sake because of the absence of unwanted bacteria. Pasteurization for better preservative quality and distilled alcohol in order to adjust the flavor were also developed in this era.
In Meiji era, the percentage of liquor tax occupied high ratio among all the taxes, so sake has been important resource for revenue for the government since this era. During this period, bottled sake was released for the first time, and National Brewing Laboratory was established. Then, a chemical process came to be widely recognized as factor that is indispensable for production of the liquor.
In Japan, there are many events to celebrate especially the seasonal turning points like Hanami, which is a celebration during the cherry blossom season. From ancient times, sake has been a part and parcel of these affairs. Nowadays, we can enjoy sake during any social gatherings.
「加熱した米を口の中でよく噛み、唾液に含まれる酵素で糖化し、野生酵母によって発酵を進めます。」という文を、私は初め、”People chew heated rice in the mouth well, and convert it into sugar using enzymes contained in saliva, and then promote fermentation with wild yeast.”と表現していました。
私は一語一句漏れがないよう英訳させて頂いたのですが、この場合、“in the mouth”は余分な単語になります。
なぜならば、”chew”という動詞には「奥歯で噛む」という意味がもともと含まれているため、in the mouth という表現がなくても、相手には「口の中で物を噛む」という行為が伝わるからです。
英会話Gaba × Miss SAKE Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)にご協力を頂いている企業様の中に、以前よりご協力いただいている「英会話のGaba」様がございます。 過去には英語を学びながら、ミス日本酒と日本酒を愉しむ「日本酒女子会 in English」も開催させていただいております...
英会話Gaba × Miss SAKE Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)にご協力を頂いている企業様の中に、以前よりご協力いただいている「英会話のGaba」様がございます。 過去には英語を学びながら、ミス日本酒と日本酒を愉しむ「日本酒女子会 in English」も開催させていただいております...
The theme for this time was “The History of SAKE”
[for English Speakers]
The theme for this time was “The History of SAKE”. I learned how to explain the process that sake has changed so far in English.
I descrived the history of sake that I learned today below.
Unit 2. The History of SAKE
The history of sake has continued since rice farming started in Japan, so it can be said that the history of sake has developed along with the history of rice culture in Japan. Generally, it is said that rice farming started in Yayoi period, and it was about 2,000 years ago. In this period, sake was brewed by the most primitive method called Kuchikami. People chew heated rice well, and convert it into sugar using enzymes contained in saliva, and then promote fermentation with wild yeast.
In Nara period, (AD 710–794), a system of centralized government was established. In this era, the organization called sake-no Tsukasa(sake brewery office) was established, and they formed a brewing system for the Imperial Court. As a result, brewing technique developed further more.
In Heian period, (AD 794-1180), sake was indispensable during celebrative occasions, and has strong character like religious rituals. During the time, sake was reserved for the aristocracy.Therefore, common people hardly had it at that time. In this period, sake was brewed in large temples and it was called Soboshu.
During the Muromachi period around 15thcentury, hundreds of small-scale sake shops were born in Kyoto and sake came to be brewed throughout the year.
The brewing technique used today was established in Edo period around 18thcentury. Winter is the best season to brew sake because of the absence of unwanted bacteria. Pasteurization for better preservative quality and distilled alcohol in order to adjust the flavor were also developed in this era.
In Meiji era, the percentage of liquor tax occupied high ratio among all the taxes, so sake has been important resource for revenue for the government since this era. During this period, bottled sake was released for the first time, and National Brewing Laboratory was established. Then, a chemical process came to be widely recognized as factor that is indispensable for production of the liquor.
In Japan, there are many events to celebrate especially the seasonal turning points like Hanami, which is a celebration during the cherry blossom season. From ancient times, sake has been a part and parcel of these affairs. Nowadays, we can enjoy sake during any social gatherings.
Sake is very profound, and its technical terms are so complicated because there are many words, and some of them have similar spell. I will try to make sentences simple and clear, so that the beginners can understand what I talk about.
The theme for the next lesson is “How to Brew SAKE”.
I will work hard to absorb many things in the next lesson.
GABA, thank you very much for this wonderful lesson.
英会話Gaba × Miss SAKE Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)にご協力を頂いている企業様の中に、以前よりご協力いただいている「英会話のGaba」様がございます。 過去には英語を学びながら、ミス日本酒と日本酒を愉しむ「日本酒女子会 in English」も開催させていただいております...
英会話Gaba × Miss SAKE Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)にご協力を頂いている企業様の中に、以前よりご協力いただいている「英会話のGaba」様がございます。 過去には英語を学びながら、ミス日本酒と日本酒を愉しむ「日本酒女子会 in English」も開催させていただいております...