Miss SAKE News/Blog

インド デリーの在インド日本国大使館にて駐インド日本国特命全権大使 鈴木浩様に2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子が表敬訪問に伺いました

2023 Miss SAKE Japan gave a courtesy visit to His Excellency Hiroshi Suzuki, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to India, at the Embassy of Japan in India (English Below)


2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。

暦の上では春となりましたがまだまだ寒さが身に染みました2月7日、弊社団代表理事 大西美香同行の元、インド デリーにございます在インド日本国大使館にて駐インド日本国特命全権大使 鈴木浩様に表敬訪問に伺いました。

駐インド日本国特命全権大使 鈴木浩様は、令和4年11月より着任されており、日本とインドの方々との架け橋としてご活躍なさっております。

インドにMiss SAKEが訪問するのは、4年ぶりだったこともあり、この度鈴木大使にお時間をいただき、私達の活動についてご紹介ができましたこと、大変光栄でした。


その後、同じ週に開催予定の2024 Miss SAKE Indiaについてもご紹介をさせていただきました。インドの現地の方で日本との友情の架け橋となりたいという方が多く応募くださいましたこともご報告させていただきました。





2023 Miss SAKE Japan



English Below:

Hello everyone,

I am Kotoko Yamada, the 2023 Miss SAKE Japan.

Although it is officially spring on the calendar, the cold weather still lingers. On February 7th, accompanied by our director, Mika Onishi, I had the honor of paying a courtesy visit to His Excellency Hiroshi Suzuki, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to India, at the Embassy of Japan in India.

His Excellency Suzuki has been the ambassador since November of the 4th year of Reiwa and has been actively bridging relations between Japan and India. 

It had been four years since Miss SAKE last visited India, so it was a great privilege to have the opportunity to introduce our activities to His Excellency Suzuki.

Later that day, I was scheduled to give a basic lecture on Japanese sake as a sake lecturer at a sake PR seminar and business meeting held at the embassy. I was eagerly looking forward to it, and the words of encouragement from Ambassador Suzuki further strengthened my determination to convey the charm of Japanese sake to the people of India.

I also took the opportunity to introduce the upcoming 2024 Miss SAKE India event, where many locals have shown interest in becoming bridges of friendship between Japan and India.

In the seminars to follow and in future promotions of Japanese sake and Japanese cuisine, I will continue to strive to deliver the depth of Japanese sake and culture to as many people in India as possible, albeit in a small way.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the time you have taken out of your busy schedule to meet with us.


Best regards,

Kotoko Yamada

2023 Miss SAKE Japan


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