2021 Miss SAKE participated in a press conference held by Kato Kichibee Shoten, the brewer of Born, to introduce their new service that enables digital pairing. [English below]
2021 Miss SAKE の松崎未侑です。
清酒 梵/BORN 醸造元 合資会社 加藤吉平商店様のデジタル・ペアリングで実現する新サービス導入記者会見に、2021 Miss SAKEも参加いたしました。
PR times記事はこちら:https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000001.000100112.html
「梵・超吟」(Born:Chogin)(磨き2割 純米大吟醸)
- マイナス10℃で約5年間熟成されたお酒を中心としてブレンドされた、精米歩合20%の究極の純米大吟醸酒です。
- 素晴らしい香りと深い味は感動を呼ぶ、まさに日本の酒文化を代表する”珠玉の名酒“です。
- 年に2回のみ販売される、完全予約限定品
「梵・夢は正夢」(Born:Dreams Come True)純米大吟醸
- マイナス10℃で約5年間熟成された、純米大吟醸酒。
- 精米歩合20%の純米大吟醸酒と精米歩合35%の純米大吟醸酒のブレンド酒です。
- どっしりと深くて素晴らしい香りを持ちながら、骨格があり、しっとりとなめらかな味で、あと味が名刀のように切れる名酒です。
- ボトルは人生の勝利者( オンリーワン=1L )を称えるトロフィーを表現しています。
- 世界中で活躍しているスポーツ選手をはじめ、祈願成就の記念の御祝いや、目標達成の祈願酒として数多く採用されています。
Miss SAKE は日本酒を通して、世界中の文化交流を促進し、平和な世界の構築に微力ながらも寄与できるように今後も活動を継続して参る所存です。人の心を動かすものもは「本物」です。質の高い日本酒と、日本酒に込められた想いがより正確に世界中の消費者に伝わるようにするための、本テクノロジーの普及に期待で胸が膨らみます。
記者会見はキャンセル待ちが数多く出るほどの注目で、会場には弊社団やIWCの顧問を務めていらっしゃる株式会社コーポ・サチ 代表取締役 平出淑恵様や、酒サムライで元外務省大臣官房広報文化交流部部長でいらしゃった 門司健次郎様、世界各国の日本国総領事を務め、現在は加藤吉平絵商店の海外戦略顧問も務められる原田美智雄様、一般社団法人日本のsakeとwineを愛する女性の会代表理事 友田 晶子様等日本酒関係者をはじめ、アメリカ公使や世界各国の方々が駆けつけました。
2021 Miss SAKE
2021 Miss SAKE participated in a press conference held by Kato Kichibee Shoten, the brewer of Born, to introduce their new service that enables digital pairing.
Hello everyone.
My name is Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.
I participated in the press conference held by Kato Kichibee Shoten, the brewer of Born, to introduce a new service that enables digital pairing.
Kato Kichibee Shoten
Kato Kichibee Shoten is located in Yoshie-cho, Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture. The company was founded in 1860 by an ancestor who was a money changer and village headman, and began sake production, taking the name “Kichibee” from generation to generation. Today, Kichibee is a long-established sake brewery with eleven generations of brewers. The brand name BORN is translated from Sanskrit as “purity without impurity” and “truth”, and is also translated in English as “birth” and “creation” for the future.
The brewing process is characterized by traditional handcrafting, using water pumped up from a well 180 meters deep underground from the Hakusan mountain range, contract-cultivated Yamadanishiki rice from the special A district in Hyogo Prefecture, and Gohyakumangoku rice from Fukui Prefecture, with in-house yeast, and only pure rice sake, completely additive-free.
It is exported to 105 countries and 141 locations around the world and is used by Japanese embassies and consulates-general overseas to entertain foreign guests and VIPs. It is truly a sake that represents Japan. In Japan, it was used for the Emperor’s coronation ceremony at the beginning of the Showa period (1926-1989), and has since been used for many important occasions in Japan.
In 1968, they launched the very first Daiginjo-style sake in the market!
This pioneer of all times, who has always been at the forefront of the sake industry and continues to create new added value for sake, has now co-produced the world’s first blockchain x NFC/RFID digital pairing!
Blockchain x NFC/RFID Digital Pairing
As Kato Kichibee Shoten began to ship their products around the world, counterfeit products that misuse empty bottles began to appear on the market. This product was developed to prevent counterfeit sake.
At first glance, the product looks like an ordinary sticker, but it has an “NFC tag” attached to it.
NFC/RFID is a combination of communication technology that enables fast and intuitive operation and UHF IC tag technology that is ideal for supply chain management, etc. It can be used to attach a unique ID to physical assets and can also function as a gateway for writing important information about the assets to the blockchain.
In addition to the opened/unopened information, the individual tags will also memories detailed information about the brewer and the product, as well as the path taken by each logistics location and the temperature control.
What is exciting the most is the extremely simple operation method.
Just activate the iPhone and hold the head of the smartphone over the round part of the seal to be directed to the website.
This is a moment that adds another value to authentic sake with a very high user experience.
This service will be included in the following two of the brewery’s finest products:
Born Chogin (20% polished Junmai Daiginjo)
- This is the ultimate Junmai Daiginjo-shu with a 20% polished rice ratio, blended with sake that has been aged at -10℃ for about 5 years.
- Its wonderful aroma and deep flavor are impressive, and it is a “gem of a sake” that is representative of Japanese sake culture.
- Only sold twice a year, and only available by reservation.
Born: Dreams Come True Junmai Daiginjo
- Junmai Daiginjo-shu aged at -10℃ for about 5 years.
- It is a blend of Junmai Daiginjo-shu with a 20% milling ratio and Junmai Daiginjo-shu with a 35% milling ratio.
- It is a great sake with a deep, robust, wonderful aroma, yet structured, moist, and smooth taste, with an aftertaste that cuts like a great sword.
- The bottle represents a trophy to honor the winner of life (one and only one = 1L).
It has been used by many athletes around the world as a commemorative drink to celebrate the fulfillment of their wishes or to pray for the attainment of their goals.
Following the press conference, the above two products were paired with ethnic dishes and three other regular products at the reception.
It was such an honor to have a chance to speak in front of the guests about the mission and dream of Miss SAKE. We will continue to promote cultural exchanges around the world through sake and contribute to the building of a peaceful world.
What moves people’s hearts is the “authentic thing”. We are very excited about the spread of this technology, which will help ensure that high-quality sake and the backgrounds that go into it are conveyed more accurately to consumers worldwide.
We are truly honored to be able to be present at the press conference of Kato Kichibee Shoten, a company that adds new value to sake.
The press conference attracted so much attention that there was a waiting list, and the audience included Ms. Toshie Hiraide, President of Corp Sachi, who serves as an advisor to our company and IWC, Mr. Kenjiro Monji, a sake samurai and former Director of the Public Relations and Cultural Exchange Department, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Michio Harada, who has served as Consul General of Japan in various countries and currently serves as an overseas strategic advisor to Kato Kichibee Shoten, Ms. Akiko Tomoda, Representative Director of Women’s Association for Sake and Wine Lovers in Japan, and other people related to Japanese sake, as well as the U.S. Minister and people from around the world.
We cannot take our eyes off the progress of this product.
2021 Miss SAKE
Miyu Matsuzaki