2022 Miss SAKEの磯部里紗です。
11月初旬の秋晴れの日、地域と世界をつなぐ『KURA ONE』のPR動画『KURA ONE TRIP.』の撮影のため、佐賀県鹿島市の幸姫酒造様にお伺いしました。
「KURA ONE」はアイディーテンジャパン株式会社が始めた小容量のアルミ缶日本酒ブランドです。
「KURA ONE」:KURA ONE – Authentic Sake Delivered to Your Home
note「180mL日本酒アルミ缶ブランド「KURA ONE
日本語: https://note.com/
英語: https://note.com/
KURA ONE Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/
日本酒業界の容器革命『KURA ONE』
そこで、KURA ONEのファウンダー/オーナーであり、アイディーテンジャパン株式会社の代表を務める澤田且成様が着目した容器が、アルミ缶でした。通常の四合瓶の場合、総重量が約1.2kgのうち約40%をガラス瓶の重さが占める一方で、KURA ONEのアルミ缶は180mlサイズで容器の重さはたった16gと、ボトルネックだった容器の重さを劇的に下げることができました。
このように日本酒業界の容器革命を起こした『KURA ONE』によって、これまで日本酒が届かなかった地域にも、日本酒を飲んだことのなかった人にも、より日本酒が手に届きやすいという未来が大きく開かれたと思います。
より多くの海外の人に、KURA ONEのことを、そして日本酒のことを知ってもらえるよう、私も微力ながらプロモーションに努めて参りたいます。
素敵な建物の残っている街に、美味しい日本酒を作っている酒蔵、そしてすぐ近くには綺麗な海も揃っている佐賀県鹿島市。この魅力いっぱいの街にある幸姫酒造様にもぜひご訪問いただきたいです。そして、KURA ONEを通じてその美味しいお酒を味わっていただけたら嬉しいです。
2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗
Hello everyone.
My name is Risa Isobe, 2022 Miss SAKE.
On a sunny autumn day in early November, I visited Sachihime Sake Brewery in Kashima City, Saga Prefecture, to shoot a promotional video for “KURA ONE”.
“KURA ONE” is a sake brand in small aluminum cans launched by id10 japan. Please refer to their note and instagram.
“KURA ONE” – A Container Revolution in the Sake Industry
One of the most common challenges in the overseas expansion of sake is the transportation (logistics) problem. Especially in recent years, transportation costs have been increased, resulting in higher selling prices overseas, making it difficult for consumers to afford the sake.
Therefore, Mr. Katsunari Sawada, the founder/owner of KURA ONE and the representative of id10 japan, focused on aluminum cans as a container. While the usual sake bottle (720ml) weighs about 1.2 kg, KURA ONE’s aluminum can weighs only 16 g for its 180 ml size, dramatically reducing the weight of the container.
This has not only drastically reduced the conventional shipping cost, but also aluminum cans have various advantages such as less dead space and are less likely to break, can cut ultraviolet rays and fluorescent light that cause quality deterioration, and are a good material from an SDG perspective as an eco-friendly, recycling-oriented material.
Initially, there was a major concern that the aluminum material would look cheap, but thanks to Mr. Sawada’s branding and production skills, the product was transformed into a cool and stylish product with a good design.
I believe that “KURA ONE,” which has revolutionized the sake industry’s containers in this way, has greatly opened up a future in which sake is more accessible to people in regions where it has never reached before, and to people who have never had sake before.
I will make my efforts to promote KURA ONE and sake to as many people overseas as possible.
Sachihime Sake Brewery
Founded in 1934, Sachihime Sake Brewery aims to make sake that is easy to drink and has a nice sharpness, which makes it a good choice as a sake during the meals, even though many sake breweries in Saga Prefecture are known for their sweet sake.
The name of the brewery and its representative brand, “Sachihime,” was named in the hope that the founder’s only daughter would grow up to be happy.
In addition to sake, Sachihime Sake Brewery is also attracting attention for its sake soft-serve ice cream, the first in Kyushu to contain 20% of its own sake (0% alcohol content)! Ir was developed so that people who cannot drink alcohol, drivers, and children can enjoy.
Mr. Minematsu, the master brewer, is very active in local activities as the chairman of the Kashima Sake Brewery Tourism Promotion Council. If you come to Kashima, be sure to visit Sachihime Sake Brewery!
Hizen Hamajuku and Sake Brewery Street
During the photo shoot, I also visited Hizen Hamajuku and Sake Brewery Street, an area that developed from the Edo period to the Showa period around the brewing of sake, soy sauce, and other products.
This area has been selected as an “Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings” by the Japanese government as an area of historical value. The traditional white-walled buildings were beautiful and lined with various stores, so I really would like to visit again for visit and walk around.
Kashima City in Saga Prefecture is a town with beautiful buildings, a sake brewery that makes delicious sake, and a beautiful ocean nearby. I hope that you will visit the Sachihime Sake Brewery in this charming city and that you will taste their delicious sake through KURA ONE.
Thank you, Mr. Minematsu and Mr. Sawada, for this wonderful occasion!
2022 Miss SAKE Risa Isobe