Aya Amelia Kodama joined the Kyoto promotion event “Kyoto in TOKYO” held at The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho on March 15th.
[English follows]
皆さま、こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリ 児玉アメリア彩です。3月15日、ザ・プリンスギャラリー東京紀尾井町にて『KYOTO in TOKYO』が開催され、お手伝いさせていただきました。
京都府、そして東京都内のプリンスホテルグループとのコラボレーションの本イベントでは、「ジャパニーズトラディショナル」をテーマに日本の体験コンテンツを提供し、期間中本会場では、京都エクスペリエンスとして、「KYOTO SAKE experience」というテーマで、京都・伏見の地酒とお漬物のマリアージュ体験ができるテイスティングイベントを行いました。
当日用意されたのは北川本家様の「富翁 純米大吟醸 山田錦49(ひとつ火)」、山本本家様の「神聖 純米大吟醸 祝 無濾過生原酒」、そして増田徳兵衛商店様の「月の桂 旭米 純米」の3本、そして京都で言わずと知れたお漬物メーカー「西利」様の赤かぶらと千枚漬。
2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリ・長野代表、児玉アメリア彩
[for English speakers]
Hello everyone. This is 2018 Miss SAKE runner up, Aya Amelia Kodama. On March 15th, the Kyoto promotion event “Kyoto in TOKYO” was held at The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho, and I joined as Miss SAKE.
In this event in collaboration of the Prince Hotel Group with Kyoto Prefecture, the Japanese experience contents under the theme of “Japanese Traditional” was provided, and a tasting event called “KYOTO SAKE experience” was held, where you could experience the cuisine paring of sake and Japanese pickles from Fushimi, Kyoto.
Three sake were served; “Tomio Junmai Daiginjo Yamadanishiki” from Kitagawa Honke, “Shinsei Jyunmai Daiginjo Iwai Muroka-namagenshu” from Yamamoto Honke, and “Tsuki no Katsura Asahimai Jyunmai” from Masuda Tokubei Shoten; together with Japanese pickles from “Nishiri.”
Many of the people who dropped in at the event had this fresh new feeling to experience tasting and comparing different types of sake, and I felt pleasure when they told me they found sake as a ‘more-casual’ every-day drink.
Also, surprisingly, there were so many guests who never knew Fushimi is famous for its valuable sake. I was glad to be able to have them to discover this.
Thank you very much to everyone for letting me join this wonderful opportunity.
2018 Miss SAKE runner up, Aya Amelia Kodama