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有機酒類活用セミナーに2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子が参加いたしました

2023 Miss SAKE Kotoko Yamada attended the Organic Production & Certification Seminar [English Below]



2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子です。

酒サムライ叙任式の翌日、9月27日に京都駅前にございますTKPガーデンシティ京都タワーホテル9階 飛鳥にて国税庁酒税課様主催、日本酒造青年協議会協力の「有機酒類活用セミナー 〜有機生産と有機JAS認証は最適なアプローチなのか?〜」を受講してまいりました。

大変多くの蔵元さまや、酒販店の方、日本酒に関わる事業をなさっている方が会場に集まり、司会進行のWSET SAKEの講師を努めていらっしゃる鈴木更紗様によってセミナーは始まりました。

その後、主催の国税庁酒税課長 三浦隆様より今回のセミナー開催における目的と、コンテンツについてご説明と開会のご挨拶がありました。



  1. 導入
  2. 有機(オーガニック)の定義について
  3. なぜ有機か?
  4. 有機に対する消費者のセグメンテーション、モチベーション
  5. 有機に対する販売店のトレンド
  6. 有機に対する生産者の取るべき対応
  7. まとめ
  8. 質疑応答


“In comparison to organic tea, organic wine might be seen as a case study of failed new category section” – Jones & Grandjean (2018)






オーガニックについて考える際、まず大切な観点は、それが生産品(Product)であるのか、加工食品(Processed goods)なのかを分けて考えることが大切です。生産品と加工食品では、有機と名乗る上での対応すべき項目が違っており、ワインや日本酒においてはまず、加工品の有機と名乗る上での必要事項の理解が重要になります。







注1 有機農業の推進に関する法律(平成18年法律第112号)
































2023 Miss SAKE 



[English Below] 

Hello, everyone.

I am 2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada.

On September 27th, the day after the Sake Samurai Appointment Ceremony, I had the privilege of attending the “Organic Production & Certification Seminar – Is Organic Production and Organic JAS Certification the Optimal Approach?” hosted by the National Tax Agency’s Alcohol Tax Division and organized in cooperation with the Japan Sake Brewers’ Youth Association. The seminar took place at the Asuka venue on the 9th floor of TKP Garden City Kyoto Tower Hotel, located in front of Kyoto Station.

This event brought together numerous sake brewery representatives, liquor retailers, and individuals involved in the sake industry. The seminar was moderated by Ms. Sarasa Suzuki, a WSET SAKE instructor (https://www.caplan.jp/wine/instructor/sarasa_suzuki/index.html), who has obtained the Master of Wine qualification and focused on sake-related research and development after earning her MW certification. In 2014, her significant impact on the global understanding and appreciation of sake led to her appointment as a “Sake Samurai”.

All the sessions during the seminar were conducted in English to accommodate the international audience.

Here’s an outline of the seminar agenda:

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions of Organic
  3. Why Organic?
  4. Consumer Segmentation and Motivation for Organic
  5. Trends in Organic for Retailers
  6. Strategies for Producers in Organic
  7. Summary
  8. Q&A


The seminar began with a thought-provoking quote:

 “In comparison to organic tea, organic wine might be seen as a case study of a failed new category section” – Jones & Grandjean (2018). 

This quote highlighted the challenges that the organic wine industry has faced in defining itself and communicating its value to consumers.


<Definition of Organic>

Regarding the definition of organic, it’s crucial to distinguish between organic agricultural products and processed goods, as the criteria for each differ. In the context of wine and sake, understanding the requirements for labeling a product as organic is vital.

Organic agriculture and organic products involve avoiding the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. In Japan, the JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standards) certification for organic agricultural products and processed foods was established to provide a clear definition and framework for organics.

One key point raised during the seminar was the importance of distinguishing between “organic” and “sustainability.” While they are related, being organic doesn’t necessarily equate to being sustainable. This distinction is particularly important when considering the environmental impact of alcoholic beverage production.


<History of Organic>

The history of organics dates back to the early 1900s when Western societies began exploring sustainable agricultural practices influenced by Eastern cyclical farming systems. These practices aimed to address soil degradation concerns and introduced the concept of sustainable farming into Western agriculture.


<Current Trends>

The seminar also touched on the varying degrees of consumer, retailer, and producer interest in organics in different regions. For example, in Europe and the United States, there’s a growing concern about the environmental impact of alcohol consumption, making organic certification appealing to some consumers. However, the market share of organic wine remains relatively small, around 3%, despite 6% of wineries having organic certification.

Retailers prioritize sustainability over organics due to consumer demand, with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Producers’ interest in organics varies by region, with European producers showing higher levels of interest compared to those in other countries.


<Differences in SAKE and WINE>

Sake, as compared to wine, faces unique challenges in achieving organic certification. The use of rice grown in flooded paddy fields makes it difficult to control external factors, such as neighboring fields potentially using pesticides. Thus, achieving organic certification for sake rice presents a significant challenge. However, the relatively simple production process of sake, with fewer additives compared to wine, may make it easier for sake to align with organic principles in processing.


In recent years, consumer awareness and interest in sustainability, as well as environmental consciousness (SDGs), have been on the rise. This shift in consumer preferences can significantly impact purchasing decisions, and organic wine and sake are seen as potential solutions to meet this demand.

The seminar served as an enlightening opportunity for me as a consumer to consider the potential of “organic sake” as a new form of Japanese sake. I appreciate having had the chance to learn from the valuable insights shared during this event.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the organizers, the National Tax Agency’s Alcohol Tax Division, and Mr. Antony Moss for making this wonderful learning opportunity possible.


2023 Miss SAKE

Kotoko Yamada


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