[English follows]
2020 Miss SAKE 長野代表 横田真理華です。
8月26日に、私の地元である長野県諏訪市の市長 金子ゆかり様に表敬訪問させて頂きました。
また、私がMiss SAKEに応募するきっかけとなった蔵元様である、酒ぬのや本金酒造株式会社様の杜氏の奥様 宮坂ちとせ様にも、ご同行頂きました。
女性の社会進出が注目される現代で、兼ねてより「諏訪のまちづくり」にご尽力されているお二方を目前に「2020 Miss SAKE Japan最終選考会での地域活動貢献賞受賞のご報告」をさせて頂けたことは、大変光栄でした。
Miss SAKEを志すまでの私は、長野県より他県、日本より海外という“外側”ばかりを見ている人間でした。
金子市長は、これまで私がMiss SAKEを目指してきた4年の間に挑戦させて頂いた、海外留学を決意した行動力を高く評価して下さいました。
記者の皆様からは「2020 Miss SAKE Japan最終選考会での地域活動貢献賞受賞において、どのような点が評価されてこの結果に繋がったと思うか。」「諏訪地域の地酒の特徴や相性の良い食べ物は何か。」などのご質問を頂戴し、今後の抱負を述べるだけではなく、これまでの約半年間、2020 Miss SAKE 長野代表として行ってきた取り組みを、私自身も改めて振り返ることができた大変有意義な時間となりました。
- NHK 信州:https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/nagano/20200827/1010014926.html
- 長野日報 :http://www.nagano-np.co.jp/articles/66551
- SUWAデザインプロジェクト:https://design.suwa-premium.net/suwa-log/2871/
地域活動貢献賞を頂戴した者として、地域の皆様に歓迎して頂ける2020 Miss SAKE 長野代表となり、コロナ禍でも心ひとつに、地域の魅力を守り、次世代に繋げようと頑張られている皆様のお力になれますよう、精一杯の努力をさせて頂きたいと思っております。
お忙しい中、貴重なお時間を下さった金子市長及び諏訪市役所ご担当者様、本金 宮坂様、報道陣の皆様、この度は誠にありがとうございました。
2020 Miss SAKE 長野代表 横田真理華
[For English speakers]
I am Marika Yokota, representative of 2020 Miss SAKE Nagano.
On August 26th, I made a courtesy visit to Ms. Yukari Kaneko who is the mayor of Suwa city (諏訪市)– my home town. Also, Ms. Chitose Miyasaka, who is a wife of the Toji at Sakenunoya Honkin(本金) Brewery Corporation, went along with me. Honkin Brewery is an essential brewery for me which gave me an opportunity to aim to be Miss SAKE.
Today, Women’s Empowerment is promoted around the world. Also, mayor Kaneko and Ms. Miyasaka are doing excellent work for regional revitalization, so I was especially honored to be recognized for my own work for the 2020 Miss SAKE JAPAN final competition.
Previously I have been looking at life outside of my hometown to other areas in Japan as well as overseas. Then I discovered Honkin Brewery and learned about the Miss SAKE competition, which changed my life. Four years ago, I did not yet have the opportunity to learn more about the many charms of my home as well as Japanese culture. Since that time, these experiences have given me motivation for making a regional impact.
So, I told mayor Kaneko, “We’ve got a very hard situation to enjoy travel, events and amusements and so on because of the coronavirus. But, this is the chance for us to realize the many charms we have close to home more easily than before. So, I’d like to turn adversity into an opportunity and use online platforms and YouTube.”
Mayor Kaneko respects my vitality; especially as I went to study abroad in Australia to follow my dream to become Miss SAKE. The mayor said to me “I’m really happy to meet Miss SAKE Nagano, who is from our home town. Even though we are staying in Suwa, we can spread Suwa’s charms around the world. So I wish you to use your energy for the activities.”
Also, Mayor Kaneko told us about Nagano local sake which is made of 100% food rice made from Nagano. And we enjoyed talking about “sake rice” as well. As it happens, Honkin Brewery is cultivating sake rice which is called “Miyamanishiki(美山錦)” near my house. Miyamanishiki sake rise was first grown in Nagano.
Ms. Miyasaka talked to us, “It’s possible to grow good sake rice in the home area of Suwa city. We (Honkin brewery) are making efforts to brew great sake by Miyamanishiki, which is grown in Suwa. So, I’d like to put our hopes on Miss. Yokota.”
I promise never to forget these messages of encouragement and to do my best for the promotion of rice, sake, Suwa, Nagano and Japanese culture.
After our conversation, I moved to the press room at Suwa City Hall with Ms. Miyasaka, where I was interviewed by five members of the media.
Interviewers asked me many questions such as “What do you think of winning the Regional Contribution Award?” , “What do you think about the charm of Suwa sake?” and “What do you like to pair with Suwa local sake?” so on.
I didn’t just tell them my resolutions for the future, I also looked back on my activities in the past. Looking back on my past and talking with the reporters has made me even more motivated!
There is a special festival called the “Onbashira festival(御柱祭) ※” that is held every six years in the Suwa area. This is a Shinto Ritual which is a Nagano Prefecture Intangible Folk Cultural Property. It is also said to be one of the Three Strange Festivals of Japan.
People who live in Suwa area pull giant fir trees (diameter:1m, length:17m, weight:10tons) from a mountain to Suwataisya Shrine (諏訪大社) in the town without machine (only by human power). The slogan of the Onbashira Festival is “hearts as one”.
I know that when we stand together with each of our hearts as one, we can accomplish great things no matter how large the big project or how hard the situation.
I’d like to do my best to help people who have been making efforts together with our hearts as one to overcome the coronavirus as well as to protect and spread the charms of our culture as the Regional Contribution Award winner.
I extend my appreciation to Mayor Kaneko, Ms. Miyasaka, the interviewers, and everyone at Suwa City Hall for making this opportunity.
Thank you for reading.
※Onbashira Festival Shikinen Zoei Mihashira Taisai (式年造営御柱大祭)
2020 Miss SAKE Nagano
Marika Yokota