Miss SAKE News/Blog

『2019 Miss SAKE ブランドパートナー会議』が開かれました。

“The 2019 Miss SAKE Brand Partner Meeting” was held.

[English Follows]

皆様、こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。

8月3日、都内某所にて『2019 Miss SAKE ブランドパートナー会議』が開かれました。


『2019 ミス日本酒』は来年3月15日(金)ウェスティン都ホテル京都にて開催される最終選考会の場で、日本全国のファイナリストの中から選出されます。それに先立ち、各都道府県代表を決定するための『ミス日本酒 地方大会』が開催されます。












そして同時に、『6代目ミス日本酒』選出がいよいよ始動し始め、より一層身の引き締まる思いを感じております。2018 ミス日本酒として、日本酒業界・日本文化のさらなる発展に私なりの貢献ができますよう、今後も気を引き締め励んで参る所存でおります。





私自身、現在2018ミス日本酒 神奈川代表、そして2018ミス日本酒 としての活動を通し、今後の人生観を変えてくれるような刺激と学びに満ちた日々を送らせていただいております。この一年間の活動は、間違いなく私の生涯の財産、糧になる。2018 ミス日本酒として私はそう確信しております。

だからこそ、是非多くの方に、2019 ミス日本酒に挑戦してもらいたい。私はそう願っております。



2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実

[for English Speakers]

Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.

On August 3rd, “the 2019 Miss SAKE Brand Partner Meeting” was held.

Brand Partners are the corporations and organizations working together with us by sharing the principle and philosophy of Miss SAKE.

2019 Miss SAKE will be decided in March 15th 2019 at Westin Miyako Hotel Kyoto. Before that, Miss SAKE regional competitions are going to be held in Hokkaido, Tokyo, Niigata, Ishikawa, Aichi, Mie, Kyoto, Hyogo and Ehime, and the applicants recruiting has already started.

Also, we’re working on holding Miss SAKE overseas to produce a local ambassador of Japanese culture and SAKE in each country.

At the Brand Partner Meeting, we talked about how to organize regional competitions, to manage activities as Miss SAKE and to link regional activities together.

Miss SAKE engage in various activities related to SAKE, Japanese tradition, agriculture, food, women’s social advancement and so on. And the moment Miss SAKE in each region is decided, she begins her activities as an ambassador of local SAKE and local culture. 

At the meeting, the brand partners of Japan and overseas and Miss SAKE Association  confirmed that we’re going to work together to convey the greatness of Japanese culture and SAKE through the various networks inside and outside Japan.

This year is the sixth year of Miss SAKE Association and we are going to promote various developments inside and outside Japan. As 2018 Miss SAKE, I myself am greatly looking forward to the future of Miss SAKE. Also, the meeting made me realize that I have to do my best to contribute to the world of SAKE and Japanese culture.

As for the prefectures where regional competitions will not be held, the selection of regional representatives are made by the headquarter auditions.

You can see the details of 2019 Miss SAKE recruiting from the link below.



As 2018 Miss SAKE Kanagawa and 2018 Miss SAKE, I lead an amazing life filled with lots of learnings and excitements, which I believe will have great influence on my view of life.

I’m sure that all the activities of this year will be my life asset. So, I’d like many ladies to try for 2019 Miss SAKE.

We’re looking forward to seeing great fellows to work together as ambassadors of SAKE and Japanese culture.

Thank you very much.

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE


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