Miss SAKE News/Blog

文部科学省 岩渕 泰晶様、トビタテ!留学JAPAN様に、2021 Miss SAKEが表敬訪問いたしました。

2021 Miss SAKE paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Yasuaki Iwabuchi and Tobitate Ryugaku JAPAN, at MEXT.

2021 Miss SAKEの松崎未侑です。

先日文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策局 産業連携・地域振興課 専門官 岩渕 泰晶様と、トビタテ!留学JAPAN 事務局の皆様を表敬訪問させて頂きました。

JAXAとMiss SAKEの繋がり

岩渕様は、現在JAXAから文部科学省へ出向していらっしゃいます。国立研究開発法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA) 人事部 兼 一般社団法人 ニュースペース国際戦略研究所 NGSL 理事であり、国内外で公的機関(文部科学省)や研究機関(シンクタンク)と協力しながら経営学の専門を生かして数々のプロジェクトマネージメントやベンチャー企業の育成も手がける岩渕様。

日本の最先端科学技術を担うJAXA様と、日本の伝統的な職人技術の代表である日本酒をPRするMiss SAKEの繋がりは深く、2018年からご後援を賜っております。

毎年Miss SAKEの各県の代表ファイナリストが受講する研修・ナデシコプログラムでは、JAXA 筑波宇宙センターの見学等でご協力をいただいており、2015年にはアメリカで開催された宇宙開発コンファレンスでのJAXAブースにて、日本酒の振る舞いを通して集客のお手伝いさせていただいたこともあります。

今回の訪問では、文部科学省2階の一般公開もされているミュージアムを岩渕様にご案内いただき、今後の日本酒・日本文化振興に向けての意見交換をさせて頂きました。文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策局 人材政策課長 斉藤 卓也様にもお時間を頂戴し、斉藤様の出身地 徳島県の日本酒や今後の協力体制の構築についてお話させて頂きました。









今回の訪問では、文部科学省 官民協働海外留学創出プロジェクト 独立行政法人日本学生支援機構 グローバル人材育成部長 関 百合子様、プロジェクトマネジャー 荒畦 悟様、チーフ・コミュニティ・オフィサー 兼 学習プラットフォーム統括マネージャー 中谷 裕次様をはじめとして、留学準備から帰国後に大変お世話になった事務局の皆様にMiss SAKEとしてお会いし、お礼をお伝えすることができ感無量でございました。

私もMiss SAKEとして、一個人として、多くの方と関わりを持ちながらスキルアップをしていけるよう精進して参ります。

2021 Miss SAKE


2021 Miss SAKE paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Yasuaki Iwabuchi and Tobitate Ryugaku JAPAN, at MEXT.

Hello, everyone.
I am Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.

I visited Mr. Yasuaki Iwabuchi from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and Tobitate! JAPAN secretariat.

The connection between JAXA and Miss SAKE

Mr. Iwabuchi is currently on secondment from JAXA to the MEXT. He is also the Director of the NewSpace International Strategic Research Institute (NGSL) and the Director of the Research and Development Division of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). He is involved in project management and venture business development, both in Japan and overseas, in cooperation with public institutions (MEXT) and research institutes (think tanks).

We foster our relationship with JAXA since 2015, by helping attract visitors by serving sake at the JAXA booth at the Space Development Conference in the United States.

During this visit, Mr. Iwabuchi kindly showed us around the museum of MEXT, the Japan Sports Agencey, and the Agency for Cultural Affairs, which is open to the public. Later, we exchanged ideas on how to promote sake and Japanese culture in the future in collaboration with the MEXT.

Mr. Iwabuchi is involved in project management in a variety of fields from space science to education. It was a great opportunity to get a glimpse of how he involves people and makes plans in order to carry out projects.

Tobitate! Ryugaku JAPAN

In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to meet with the secretariats of Tobitate! Ryugaku JAPAN.
Tobitate! Ryugaku JAPAN is a campaign led by the MEXT to promote study abroad not only by the government but also by society as a whole through collaboration between the public and private sectors.

It is launched in October 2013 with the aim of fostering momentum for all ambitious and capable young people in Japan to take the first step towards studying abroad. Students apply to the scholarship project with their original study plan and the one with a reasonable plan can only receive the scholarship. The scholarships are funded by the support and donations of people active in various fields and private companies.

As a member of the 11th class of the Diversity Course, I planned to study abroad in Portugal and Brazil under the theme of “Capoeira Education and Education for Ethnic Minority Children.”
Unfortunately,  due to the spread of the new coronavirus, I had to return home after only six months in Portugal, halfway through my studies.

In Portugal, I had the opportunity to practice capoeira, volunteer at a Japanese supplementary school, learn Portuguese and immerse myself in the culture. Throughout my experience there, I got to know through the local national drinks such as aguardente, ginjinha, port wine, and wine. By doing so, I had the opportunity to become aware that “national alcoholic drinks carry tradition and identity of the country to understand their way of living.”

Students who are sent abroad by Tobitate have the role of Japan’s ambassador to promote Japan’s tradition and culture. It was when I gave sake as a gift to a local friend who was overjoyed. I realized the value of sake and I got urged to share the charm of sake with more people. In this way, I decided to apply for Miss SAKE.

Like my experience, the study abroad programme has a diplomatic aim as well as educational purpose. The tobitate community is active for the students to learn more through seminars even after returning to Japan.

I was delighted to meet Ms. Seki, Mr. Satoru Arae, Mr. Yuji Nakatani, and the rest of the office staff who have been so helpful to me throughout my study abroad.

Project management skills are necessary to make an impact on society. As Miss SAKE and as an individual, I will continue to work hard to improve my skills while interacting with as many people as possible.

2021 Miss SAKE
Miyu Matsuzaki


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