2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada appeared in the ‘Let’s Celebrate with Sake! Online Event'” [English Below]
2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。
日本酒の日である、10月1日、日本酒造組合中央会主催の「みんなでお祝い!日本酒で乾杯 オンラインイベント」Youtube Liveに2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子がゲスト、そして中継レポーターとして出演いたしました。
Youtube Liveでは、アナウンサー・和酒コーディネーター(酒サムライ・唎酒師)であるあおい有紀様が司会を務められ、スペシャルゲストに日本酒が好きすぎて、アイドルから日本酒専門店「ゆい酒店」店主(唎酒師・酒ディプロマ)になられた元NMBメンバー高野 祐衣様、日本酒造組合中央会 需要開発委員会 七田謙介様(天山酒造株式会社 代表取締役)と一緒に日本酒の魅力についてのトークや、鏡開き、一斉乾杯を行いました。
トークののち、日本酒造組合中央会 需要開発委員会 七田謙介様、高野 祐衣様と私で、鏡開きを行いました。
詳細は、Youtube Liveの録画がございますので、是非ご覧ください。
[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlqczWUT-7U” title=”10/1日本酒の日「みんなでお祝い!日本酒で乾杯!オンラインイベント」 #10月1日は日本酒の日” autoplay=”true” /]また、イベントの後半では、合計6箇所の10月1日日本酒の日をお祝いしている世界中の会場と中継をつなぎ、乾杯をともに行うというコーナーもございました。
2023 Miss SAKE Japan の私は、『酒フェス2023』を開催している日本の酒情報館にお邪魔し、ご来場のお客様や、館長の今田様にお話を伺いました。
その後、フランスのパリよりサロン・デュ・サケ2023の会場にいる2022 Miss SAKE Japan磯部 里紗さんとも中継をつなぎ、フランス語の「サンテ!」という乾杯の言葉に合わせ、杯を国を超えて交わしました。
「みんなでお祝い!日本酒で乾杯 オンラインイベント」は、日本酒の素晴らしさを広く伝え、国や場所を超えて多くの方々と繋がる大変温かく素敵な機会となりました。
2023 Miss SAKE Japan,
[English Below]
Hello, everyone.
I’m 2023 Miss SAKE Japan, Kotoko Yamada.
On October 1st, which is celebrated as Sake Day, I had the honor of being a guest and live reporter at the “Let’s Celebrate with Sake! Online Event” organized by the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association broadcasted on YouTube Live.
<What is Sake Day?>
October 1st is known as Sake Day.
It’s a day when people from all around the world come together to celebrate sake with a collective toast.
In the Japanese zodiac, October corresponds to the “Rooster” (酉), and historically, this character represented sake. Additionally, October is the season when new rice is harvested, and sake breweries begin their sake-making process. In the past, sake-making cycles were divided from October to September of the following year. To preserve the tradition of sake-making and promote sake culture, the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association officially designated October 1st as Sake Day in 1978.
The word “Kampai,” used when making a toast, symbolizes people coming together in front of the gods.
<Let’s Celebrate with Sake! Online Event>
This event aimed to unite people worldwide through the love of sake, transcending geographical boundaries. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we used the power of the internet to create a space where sake enthusiasts could connect and share their passion.
I had the privilege of being a guest at this fantastic event and engaged in discussions about various aspects of sake. We discussed the depth of sake, the sake-making process, and the beauty of sake culture.
I passionately talked about the richness of sake and offered advice on how to enjoy it, including pairing it with different foods. Sake can be enjoyed even more when paired with seasonal dishes or other foods, and I hope my tips resonated with those watching.
Additionally, I served as a live reporter at the “Sake Festival 2023” which was held at the Japan Sake and Shochu Information Center during the event.
I reported on the event’s atmosphere, interviewed Mr.Imada who is the Director of the venue, and shared the excitement of the venue with the online audience.
Details of the event can be found here: https://japansake.or.jp/JSScenter/news/sake-fes-2023/
The “Let’s Celebrate with Sake! Online Event” was a wonderful opportunity to spread the charm of sake and connect with people from around the world. It was an incredible celebration fitting for Sake Day, and I’m delighted to have been part of it.
I will continue to work hard to contribute to the development and promotion of sake culture. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the participants, the organizers at the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association, Mr. Shichida, Ms. Aoi, Ms. Takano, and everyone who watched the event.
2023 Miss SAKE Japan,
Kotoko Yamada