Miss SAKE News/Blog

『第6回 ちょこたび埼玉酒蔵めぐり』in 小川町に、2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 塚原菜実香が参加して参りました。

I participated in an event called “ Choko-tabi Saitama Sakagura Meguri”, which means visiting sake breweries in Saitama prefecture with a sake cup.

皆様、こんにちは。2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの塚原 菜実香です。

4月13日、埼玉県小川町にて『第6回 ちょこたび埼玉酒蔵めぐり』が開催され、2018 Miss SAKE Japan須藤亜沙実さん、2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 富田梨花さんと共に私も参加して参りました。

『第6回 ちょこたび埼玉酒蔵めぐり』は、お猪口を片手に小川町にある3つの酒蔵様を巡り、それぞれの蔵自慢の日本酒を頂くことができるイベントです。3つの酒蔵様が比較的近くにあるため、「武蔵の小京都」とも称される長閑で風情ある小川町の街並みを散策しつつ、日本酒を味わうことができます。

そして、この日は当イベントの為に東武東上線臨時電車が運行されており、私達Miss SAKE一行も乗車させていただきました。電車内ではイベントのチラシと和紙の栞をお配りし、イベントに向かわれる皆様との対話を通じて私も一層胸が高まりました。





そして、会場中央のスペースでは「和太鼓集団 鼓蓮」様による力強い和太鼓演舞の音が響く中、皆様が日本酒を片手に楽しい時間を過ごされている様子を拝見し、私も大変幸せな気持ちになりました。そして同時に、「人を繋ぎ、幸せにする」日本酒のパワーに、改めて心を動かされました。




2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 塚原菜実香

for English Speakers

Hello, everyone. I am Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner up.
On April 13th, I participated in an event called “ Choko-tabi Saitama Sakagura Meguri”, which means visiting sake breweries in Saitama prefecture.

In this event, you can enjoy tasting some kinds of sake with a sake cup of three breweries which are located in Ogawa town. These breweries are located relatively close to each other, so you can thoroughly enjoy the peaceful and tasteful landscape of Ogawa town while walking, which is usually referred to as “ Little Kyoto in Musashi”.

Furthermore, on this day, we Miss Sake group took the special train of Tobu Tojo Line which ran specially for the event. We distributed bills and bookmarks made of Japanese paper to the passengers on the train. Talking with the passengers going to the event, I got excited to take part in it all the more.

Three breweries named Seiun Syuzo, Musashituru Syuzo, and Matsuoka Jozo participated in the Choko-tabi event. All of them have been producing uncompromising sake for more than hundred years.

This time, I visited Matsuoka Jozo and helped pour sake at the tasting area. I was surrounded by an atmosphere filled with passion there, and this made me brace myself and exhilarating more.

Then, I felt extremely happy because I saw everyone spend great time with sake, hearing the powerful sounds of Japanese drums played by “ Kohasu.” And this made me realize the power of sake, which is like “connect people, make people happy.”

I believe that sake, which everyone can enjoy tasting because of its various flavors, has tremendous invisible charms. Actually through this event, sake connected me to many great people. I really feel the power of sake, “ fascinate people” is incalculable.

I appreciate sake giving me many opportunities to talk with great people, and I will work harder to spread the charms of sake both locally and globally.

I extend my appreciation to all the people involved. Thank you.

Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner up

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