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参議院議長 山東昭子様に、2021 Miss SAKEが表敬訪問いたしました。

2021 Miss SAKE paid a courtesy visit to Ms.Akiko Santo, the Speaker of the House of Councillors.

2021 Miss SAKEの松崎未侑です。

先日、参議院議長 山東昭子(さんとう あきこ)様参議院議員 今井絵理子(いまい えりこ)様に2021 Miss SAKEが表敬訪問いたしました。






政界で活躍される女性のリーダーに直接お目にかかり、Miss SAKEのミッションの一つである「女性の活躍推進」の機会を享受しながら、私自身も日本酒を媒体として、稲作や甘酒などを介した食育や、国内外との伝統文化交流を今後も担っていけるよう活動に勤しんで参りたいと改めて強く思いました。


この度は貴重なお時間を頂き表敬訪問を実現させてくださった、参議院議長 山東昭子様と参議院議員 今井絵理子様、参議院議長 秘書 勝俣岳人様、農家 今関喜明様をはじめとした関係者の皆様に心より御礼申し上げます。

2021 Miss SAKE

2021 Miss SAKE paid a courtesy visit to Ms.Akiko Santo, the Speaker of the House of Councillors.

Hello, everyone.
I am Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.

The other day, I paid a courtesy visit to Ms. Akiko Santo, the Speaker of the House of Councillors, and Ms. Eriko Imai, a member of the Diet.

As the Speaker of the House of Councillors, Ms. Akiko Santo often meets with foreign ambassadors and diplomats in Japan. She has a close relationship with France being one of the former chairmen of the Japan-France Parliamentary Friendship League of the House of Councillors. There, sake has been started to get recognized its value; however, there is still a lack of export methods for sake. She wishes for improvements.

As a member of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), Ms. Snato has been involved for many years in policies relating to the health and food of the Japanese people, and has enacted such laws as the Basic Law for Dietary Education, the Health Promotion Law (Law for the Prevention of Passive Smoking) and the Law for the Reduction of Food Loss. She has also been involved in a wide range of policy issues, including education, welfare, the environment, tourism, housing, science and technology, and foreign relations.

On the other hand, Ms. Imai’s mission is to “work together to create an environment where all children can smile and have hope.” She uses sign language to promote social inclusion for people with hearing and other disabilities. Also, she is active in raising awareness of young people’s participation in politics by presenting the political variety show “Poli-vara” on Youtube.

I was looking forward to talking to them because I have experience working as a part-time interpreter for foreign residents at the Council of Social Welfare, doing research on social security systems for my graduation thesis, and studying educational policy to get an English teaching license.

By meeting these women leaders in politics, I get even more motivated to appreciate the opportunity to promote the activities of women, which is one of the missions of Miss SAKE. Moreover, I get even more excited to continue to play a role in education in the aspect of Japanese culture, and in traditional cultural exchange between Japan and abroad, using sake as a medium.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Speaker of the House of Councillors, Ms. Akiko Santo, the Member of the House of Councillors, Ms. Eriko Imai, the Secretary of the Speaker of the House of Councillors, Mr. Takehito Katsumata, the farmer, Mr. Yoshiaki Imazeki and all the people involved for taking the time to make this visit possible.

2021 Miss SAKE
Miyu Matsuzaki

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