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神奈川県知事 黒岩祐治様を2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子が表敬訪問いたしました


2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子です。

残暑の頃となりました8月25日、一般社団法人Miss SAKE 事務局 森田真衣さんのご同行のもと、神奈川県知事 黒岩祐治様を2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子が表敬訪問させていただきました。

神奈川県酒造組合 会長 黄金井康巳様、事務局長 熊谷守様にもご同席いただきました。

今回の表敬訪問では、神奈川県酒造組合 会長 黄金井康巳様のご挨拶ののち、私から6月23日に京都で行われました2023 Miss SAKE 最終選考会のご報告や今後の神奈川代表そして、グランプリとしての活動に対する意気込みをお話しさせて頂きました。

Miss SAKEでは、3ヶ月間のナデシコプログラムという研修期間を経て、伝統ある日本酒と日本文化の魅力を発信するアンバサダー活動を世界19カ国・地域にて行っているという具体的な活動内容もご報告させていただきました。


Miss SAKEでも、Miss SAKE ベトナム大会が今年度開催され、日本酒や日本文化が同世代のベトナムの方に大変注目されており、Miss SAKE ベトナムとして現地のベトナム人の方が日本酒と日本文化をご紹介をさせていただいているということをお話しさせていただきました。




2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子



[English Below]

2023 Miss SAKE Kotoko Yamada visited Governor Yuji Kuroiwa of Kanagawa Prefecture


Hello everyone,

I am 2023 Miss SAKE, Kotoko Yamada.

As the lingering summer heat continues into August 25th, accompanied by Ms. Mai Morita from the Miss SAKE Executive Office, I, 2023 Miss SAKE Kotoko Yamada, had the honor of paying a courtesy visit to Governor Yuji Kuroiwa of Kanagawa Prefecture.

Also in attendance were Mr. Yasumi Koganei, Chairman of the Kanagawa Sake Brewers Association, and Mr. Mamoru Kumagai, Secretary-General.

During this courtesy visit, after Chairman Yasumi Koganei of the Kanagawa Sake Brewers Association offered his greeting, I had the opportunity to share a report on the final selection process of the 2023 Miss SAKE competition held on June 23rd in Kyoto. I also spoke about my aspirations for representing Kanagawa and fulfilling the role of Miss SAKE Grand Prix in the coming days.

I also had the chance to provide specific details about Miss SAKE’s activities, which involve a three-month training program called the “Nadeshiko Program.” After this training period, ambassadors undertake activities to promote the charm of traditional Japanese sake and culture across 19 countries and regions worldwide.

Since 2015, Kanagawa Prefecture has been hosting the “Vietnam Festival in Kanagawa” to foster deeper bonds and exchanges between the prefecture and Vietnam. This year as well, the festival is set to take place on September 9th and 10th along Japan Avenue. (For more details, please refer to: https://www.pref.kanagawa.jp/osirase/0215/vietnamfesta/index.html)

In the realm of Miss SAKE, the Miss SAKE Vietnam competition has been held this year. Japanese sake and culture have garnered considerable attention among Vietnamese of the young generation, I shared how a Vietnamese representative from Miss SAKE is introducing Japanese sake and culture on-site.

Through my conversation with Governor Kuroiwa, my dream to further amplify the outreach of Kanagawa Prefecture’s sake and regional allure grew even more, not only to Vietnamese individuals but also to people around the world.

Governor Kuroiwa, I sincerely appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule for this conversation.

I look forward to your continued support.

Best regards,

2023 Miss SAKE Kotoko Yamada

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