[English Follows]
今回のテーマは、『日本酒の一般知識(The General Information of SAKE)』。
英会話レッスンテーマ『日本酒の一般知識(The General Information of SAKE)』日英対訳
Unit 1. 日本酒の一般知識
【英訳】Unit 1. The General Information of SAKE
Sake is primarily made of rice, water, Koji and yeast, and a fermented beverage brewed using Koji and yeast.
Brewing rice is a little different from table rice. Brewing rice is especially suitable for making sake. Brewing rice is larger than table rice, and each grain has a milky white Shinpaku.
Shinpaku means white heart, and it is the starchy center core of each brewing rice grain. The rice-polishing ratio largely effect on the character of sake. Sake consists of 80% water. The mineral content of the water influences the growth of the Koji mold and yeast, so the flavor of the sake will change depending on the water used.
Koji converts the rice’s starch into sugar, and the yeast ferments glucose into alcohol and carbon dioxide.Both Koji and yeast give effects on the flavor and aroma of the final product.
It has an alcohol content around 15%. The reason why sake has such a high alcohol percentage is due to three-stage preparation process. By adding steamed rice, water, Koji and yeast mash in 3steps, yeast can carry out the alcoholic fermentation efficiently.
Sake can be enjoyed at a wide range of temperatures. Each temperature has a different name, a particular flavor and aroma. Some sakes have an ideal consumption temperature but can still be enjoyed at other temperatures as well. So you can appreciate the difference of taste.
It is well known that sake matches Japanese food well. Sake cannot only be paired with WASHOKU (Japanese food) but also with cuisines from all over the world.
Sake brings out the flavor of foods, while at the same time tempering the strong aromas of beef and seafood. Thanks to this unique trait of sake, sake creates a great harmony with various kinds of cuisines.
“Some sakes have an ideal consumption temperature but can still be enjoyed at other temperatures as well”の表現。
私は「一番美味しくいただける温度帯」を“the best temperature to drink”と表現していましたが、これだと個人の主観がとても強く主張され、人それぞれに楽しみ方が異なる日本酒においては好ましくない表現です。
そこで、インストラクターの方は“an ideal consumption temperature”という表現を教えてくださいました。”ideal”は『理想的な』という意味です。

英会話Gaba × Miss SAKE Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)にご協力を頂いている企業様の中に、以前よりご協力いただいている「英会話のGaba」様がございます。 過去には英語を学びながら、ミス日本酒と日本酒を愉しむ「日本酒女子会 in English」も開催させていただいております...
英会話Gaba × Miss SAKE Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)にご協力を頂いている企業様の中に、以前よりご協力いただいている「英会話のGaba」様がございます。 過去には英語を学びながら、ミス日本酒と日本酒を愉しむ「日本酒女子会 in English」も開催させていただいております...
Miss SAKE Japan, took the second English lesson at GABA learning studio.
[for English Speakers]
The theme for this time was “The General Information of SAKE”. I learned how to explain the general information of sake: the ingredients, the alcohol percentage, the various temperature to enjoy and pairing with cuisines around the world in English.
I descrived the general information of sake that I learned today below.
Unit 1. The General Information of SAKE
Sake is primarily made of rice, water, Koji and yeast, and a fermented beverage brewed using Koji and yeast. Brewing rice is a little different from table rice. Brewing rice is especially suitable for making sake. Brewing rice is larger than table rice, and each grain has a milky white Shinpaku. Shinpakumeans white heart, and it is the starchy center core of each brewing rice grain. The rice-polishing ratio largely effect on the character of sake. Sake consists of 80% water. The mineral content of the water influences the growth of the Kojimold and yeast, so the flavor of the sake will change depending on the water used. Kojiconverts the rice’s starch into sugar, and the yeast ferments glucose into alcohol and carbon dioxide.Both Kojiand yeast give effects on the flavor and aroma of the final product. It has an alcohol content around 15%. The reason why sake has such a high alcohol percentage is due to three-stage preparation process. By adding steamed rice, water, Kojiand yeast mash in 3steps, yeast can carry out the alcoholic fermentation efficiently.Sake can be enjoyed at a wide range of temperatures. Each temperature has a different name, a particular flavor and aroma.Some sakes have an ideal consumption temperature but can still be enjoyed at other temperatures as well.So you can appreciate the difference of taste. It is well known that sake matches Japanese food well. Sake cannot only be paired with WASHOKU(Japanese food) but also with cuisines from all over the world. Sake brings out the flavor of foods, while at the same time tempering the strong aromas of beef and seafood. Thanks to this unique trait of sake, sake creates a great harmony with various kinds of cuisines. The most notable thing in this lesson was that “I need to speak in a way that is easy for listeners to understand.” There would be a differences in understanding between speakers and listeners. Even if the speakers think he could tell very well, the listeners sometimes have misunderstanding. In this lesson, my instructor pointed out unclear and vague points, so I was able to make a convincing speech by adding examples and details. In addition, my instructor for this time was the one from India, and he told me the culture and customs in India. India is one of the world’s leading whiskey consumption countries, but the instructor told me that in India there are many people who drink whiskey to improve blood circulation during the cold winter. Hot sake also has a trait to do so, so I would like to let people in India know this when I visit there to promote sake.
As the instructors at GABA are from more than 50 countries around the world, you can learn global culture as you learn not only English conversation but also the culture and characteristics of various countries.
I think it is better to promote and propose sake along the food culture and custom of the country, instead of promoting sake in general content.
The theme for the next lesson is “History of sake (from Yayoi period to Muromachi period)“.
I will work hard to absorb many things in the next lesson.
GABA, thank you very much for this wonderful lesson.

英会話Gaba × Miss SAKE Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)にご協力を頂いている企業様の中に、以前よりご協力いただいている「英会話のGaba」様がございます。 過去には英語を学びながら、ミス日本酒と日本酒を愉しむ「日本酒女子会 in English」も開催させていただいております...
英会話Gaba × Miss SAKE Miss SAKE(ミス日本酒)にご協力を頂いている企業様の中に、以前よりご協力いただいている「英会話のGaba」様がございます。 過去には英語を学びながら、ミス日本酒と日本酒を愉しむ「日本酒女子会 in English」も開催させていただいております...