Miss SAKE News/Blog

Miss SAKEが、マンツーマン英会話 GABA様の体験レッスンを受講して参りました。

[English follows]

皆様、こんばんは。先日、都内のGABAラーニングスタジオでMiss SAKEが体験レッスンを受講して参りました。





今後、30回にわたってGABA様のレッスンを受けさせて頂き、海外での活動に必要な英語での日本酒知識、プレゼンテーション能力を高めて参ります。Miss SAKEに出会う1人でも多くの方に日本酒、日本文化の魅力をお伝えできますよう一生懸命取り組んで参りたいと存じます。



[for English Speakers]

One day, Miss SAKE took an English conversation lesson at GABA leaning studio. 

GABA is a English conversation school established in 1995 and specializes in one on one instruction.

Every lesson at GABA is one on one style. You can have lots of conversations using gestures for 40 minutes so that you can progress according to your own level of understanding while advancing to the point you are good at, or focusing on the point you are not good at until the anxiety is resolved, and you can progress according to your own level of understanding.

In addition, instructors at GABA have various backgrounds, so you can learn more practical expressions necessary for your purpose.  The countries which instructors are from are more than 50 countries in the world.  You can also choose an instructor who is from the country which you will visit as a business trip or a travel, and learn local information and culture.  By speaking with people from different countries, you will have the confidence to speak with anyone.

You can make a reseavation using your smartphone and PC. You can choose your lesson time from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M., so you can take a lesson before or after work. Even though you have a busy schedule, you can take lesson whenever you want.

From now, I will have English conversation lessons 30 times at GABA leaning studio, and enhance my English skills to promote sake. I want to tell the charm of sake and Japanese cultures to many people. I will try my best to make it come true.

I would like to express my gratitude to GABA for this great opportunity.



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