Miss SAKE News/Blog

ラグビー NTTリーグワン2022 第4節にて、2021 Miss SAKEが【おれん家ふぁ〜む】PRのお手伝いを致しました。

 2021 Miss SAKE helped to promote “Orendi Farm” at the 4th Rugby NTT League One 2022 [English follows]

2021 Miss SAKEの松崎未侑です。

1月29日土曜日に江戸川区陸上競技場で開催されました、ラグビー NTTリーグワン2022 第4節にて、【おれん家ふぁ〜む】のPRをお手伝いさせていただきました。








販売後は私もラグビー観戦デビュー!クボタスピアーズ船橋・東京ベイ v.s. NECグローンロケッツ東葛の試合は59対26でした。


この度は、活動の機会をくださりました、株式会社関東甲信クボタ会長 大和經宜様、代表取締役社長 冠康夫様、おれん家ふぁ〜むの関係者の皆様に心より御礼申し上ます。

2021 Miss SAKE

2021 Miss SAKE helped to promote “Orendi Farm” at the 4th Rugby NTT League One 2022

Hello everyone.
I am Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.

On Saturday 29th January, we helped the PR of “Orendi Farm” at the 4th Rugby NTT League One 2022 held at Edogawa Athletic Stadium.

The match between Kubota Spears Funabashi-Tokyo Bay v.s. NEC Groningen Rockets Tokatsu was settled 59-26.

Edogawa Athletic Stadium is the host stadium for Kubota Spears!
Kubota Spears is a professional rugby team established by Kubota Corporation.

During the tournament at the host stadium, various events are held as a fan service with the cooperation of the local community in Edogawa Ward. There was a stamp rally in which you can get goodies, an SDGs eco-station, stalls with the cooperation of the local shopping street federation, sales of new goods and goodie bags, etc.

Orendi Farm also held various campaigns, and those who won the lottery were given an assortment of fresh vegetables or the other selected goods from Orendi Farm!

Orendi farm is a direct sales shop for agricultural products run by Kanto Koshin Kubota in Oshima-machi, Amakawa, Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture. You can purchase “safe”, “secure” and “delicious” rice, fruits, processed agricultural products and flowers, etc. from Maebashi City and Kanto Koshin Kubota’s nine prefectures, including Maebashi City “Akagi no Megumi” brand and Gunma Prefecture certified brand products.

I was also very impressed with the tomatoes, which were very juicy and very sweet like a fruit.
Orendi Farm also has an e-commerce site that can deliver nationwide.
There are many great deals to be had such as the fresh vegetable set (7-10 vegetables & 1 fruit plus 2kg of rice) priced at 2,880 yen and more!
EC site: https://orendifarm.shop

The PR of Orendi Farm’s sale was also very successful. As the fresh vegetables and fruits were very affordable, they got sold out quickly within an hour or so. The crowd was made up of locals, and I felt it heart-warming!

It was a great day of learning, as I was able to experience the activities of the Kubota Group, which is not confined to the framework of an agriculture, water and environment related business, but is responsible for community revitalisation through the operation of a direct sales shop and sports.

We would like to thank everyone involved at Orenya Farm for giving us the opportunity to participate in this event.

2021 Miss SAKE
Miyu Matsuzaki


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