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英語で学ぶ『日本酒の造り方 (How to Brew Japanese SAKE)』日英対訳

[English Follows]





英会話レッスンテーマ『日本酒の造り方 (How to Brew Japanese SAKE)』日英対訳

Unit 3. 日本酒の造り方




  1. 精米


  1. 洗米・浸漬


  1. 蒸米


  1. 麹作り(製麹)


  1. 酒母造り


  1. 醪作り


  1. 上槽


  1. 濾過


9.  火入れ


10. 貯蔵


11. 瓶詰め


【英訳】Unit 3. How to Brew Japanese SAKE

  1. Rice Polishing

The brewing process begins with polishing rice. It is to remove the outer layers of each grain exposing the starchy core. The surface contains protein and lipid a lot, and these cause unfavorable taste. So brewers polish the rice at first using a rice milling machine. The percentage to which the rice is milled is called “Seimaibuai”. This refers to the amount of rice remaining.

  1. Washing/Soaking

After the rice is milled, it is covered with rice flour, which is called ‘nuka’. In order to remove this flour and to begin introducing the moisture into the grain and preparing the rice for steaming, it is washed and soaked.

  1. Steaming

The reason why brewers steam rice is that if brewing rice is cooked the same as table rice, the brewing rice would be too watery. Brewers steam brewing rice to make it soft. The goal is to have each grain moist inside and dry on the outside. This encourages the Koji mold to dig deep into each grain to reach the moisture at the next process. Rice is then steamed at about 100 degrees for about 1 hour.

  1. Making Koji

Freshly steamed rice is moved to the Koji making room, which usually has either wood or metal walls and is quite hot. Steamed rice is the sprinkled with Koji mold spores. After about 4 days, the mold fully covers each grain and Koji rice has been created.

  1. Yeast Starter

In a small tank, water, steamed brewing rice, and Koji-rice are mixed together. Then brewers add yeast to it to grow the yeast needed for fermentation. These days, the Sokujo method is the most common. It takes about 2 weeks to create yeast starter. The quality of this yeast starter influences the flavor and taste of sake a lot.

  1. Brewing

Next is preparation of the main mash or “Moromi”. Water, rice, Koji-rice and the yeast starter are added to the main brewing tank. In a process known as san-dan-jikomi, three ingredients are added over the course of 4 days. This allows the yeast and Koji to adjust nicely between each addition without giving any room for unwanted microorganisms to grow. After the third addition of rice, water, rice, and Koji rice, the mash is left to ferment for additional 20-25 days.

  1. Pressing

Once the sake is done brewing, the newly created alcohol needs to be separated from the unfermented rice solids left in the mash. There are several methods for pressing sake, but the most common uses automatic pressing machine known as a Yabuta.After pressing, the frames of the machine can be opened and the sake kasu (sake lees) peeled out. The raw sake at this stage is full strength (usually around 18% alcohol at this point) and unpasteurized.

  1. Filtering

After pressing, any unprocessed matter is removed by filtration. This is often done by using charcoal powder. The charcoal bits have many nooks and crannies that trap the matter, dead yeast, enzymes or any tiny bits of remaining starch. The charcoal powder is mixed with the sake and then runs through a chambered filter lined with special filter paper. The resulting sake is clear and bright.

  1. Pasteurization

Once the sake is pressed and filtered, the next step is usually Pasteurization. This quickly heats the sake to around 65 degrees. The purpose of this heat is to deactivate enzymes and to kill of any remaining bacteria and yeast to make the sake shelf stable without refrigeration. There are several methods of Pasteurization. One method is running the sake through a heated pipe. Sake circulates in the pipe until the desired temperature is reached. Another method is to shower or submerge bottles with hot water.

10. Storage

Most sake are then stored in a tank underground at this stage. This allows the sake to mellow and develop a smoother flavor. Usually this lasts from 3-6 months.

11. Bottling

At last, sake is bottled. At this stage, sake is usually pasteurized again and water is added to bring the alcohol content to about 15%. Machines fill and seal the cap on each bottle. After the bottles have cooled down, they are labeled and boxed for shipping.






実際、レッスンの中で、インストラクターの方が戸惑いを見せる場面が多々ありました。それは、私が日本人の方に話す時と同じように、English Speakerに日本酒の造り方を説明していたからです。




私のMiss SAKEの使命の一つに、言語の壁を超えて日本酒文化を伝えることが挙げられます。世界中のあらゆる地域、文化を持つ方にも日本酒の魅力をお伝えすることができますよう、今後も精進して取り組んで参りたいと思います。





The theme for this time was “How to Brew Japanese SAKE”

[for English Speakers]

The theme for this time was “How to Brew Japanese SAKE”. I learned how to explain the process to brew Japanese sake in English.

I described how to brew Japanese sake that I learned today below.

Unit 3. How to Brew Japanese SAKE

  1. Rice Polishing

The brewing process begins with polishing rice. It is to remove the outer layers of each grain exposing the starchy core. The surface contains protein and lipid a lot, and these cause unfavorable taste. So brewers polish the rice at first using a rice milling machine. The percentage to which the rice is milled is called “Seimaibuai”. This refers to the amount of rice remaining.

  1. Washing/Soaking

After the rice is milled, it is covered with rice flour, which is called ‘nuka’. In order to remove this flour and to begin introducing the moisture into the grain and preparing the rice for steaming, it is washed and soaked.

  1. Steaming

The reason why brewers steam rice is that if brewing rice is cooked the same as table rice, the brewing rice would be too watery. Brewers steam brewing rice to make it soft. The goal is to have each grain moist inside and dry on the outside. This encourages the Koji mold to dig deep into each grain to reach the moisture at the next process. Rice is then steamed at about 100 degrees for about 1 hour.

  1. Making Koji

Freshly steamed rice is moved to the Koji making room, which usually has either wood or metal walls and is quite hot. Steamed rice is the sprinkled with Koji mold spores. After about 4 days, the mold fully covers each grain and Koji rice has been created.

  1. Yeast Starter

In a small tank, water, steamed brewing rice, and Koji-rice are mixed together. Then brewers add yeast to it to grow the yeast needed for fermentation. These days, the Sokujo method is the most common. It takes about 2 weeks to create yeast starter. The quality of this yeast starter influences the flavor and taste of sake a lot.

  1. Brewing

Next is preparation of the main mash or “Moromi”. Water, rice, Koji-rice and the yeast starter are added to the main brewing tank. In a process known as san-dan-jikomi, three ingredients are added over the course of 4 days. This allows the yeast and Koji to adjust nicely between each addition without giving any room for unwanted microorganisms to grow. After the third addition of rice, water, rice, and Koji rice, the mash is left to ferment for additional 20-25 days.

  1. Pressing

Once the sake is done brewing, the newly created alcohol needs to be separated from the unfermented rice solids left in the mash. There are several methods for pressing sake, but the most common uses automatic pressing machine known as a Yabuta.After pressing, the frames of the machine can be opened and the sake kasu (sake lees) peeled out. The raw sake at this stage is full strength (usually around 18% alcohol at this point) and unpasteurized.

  1. Filtering

After pressing, any unprocessed matter is removed by filtration. This is often done by using charcoal powder. The charcoal bits have many nooks and crannies that trap the matter, dead yeast, enzymes or any tiny bits of remaining starch. The charcoal powder is mixed with the sake and then runs through a chambered filter lined with special filter paper. The resulting sake is clear and bright.

  1. Pasteurization

Once the sake is pressed and filtered, the next step is usually Pasteurization. This quickly heats the sake to around 65 degrees. The purpose of this heat is to deactivate enzymes and to kill of any remaining bacteria and yeast to make the sake shelf stable without refrigeration. There are several methods of Pasteurization. One method is running the sake through a heated pipe. Sake circulates in the pipe until the desired temperature is reached. Another method is to shower or submerge bottles with hot water.

10. Storage

Most sake are then stored in a tank underground at this stage. This allows the sake to mellow and develop a smoother flavor. Usually this lasts from 3-6 months.

11. Bottling

At last, sake is bottled. At this stage, sake is usually pasteurized again and water is added to bring the alcohol content to about 15%. Machines fill and seal the cap on each bottle. After the bottles have cooled down, they are labeled and boxed for shipping.

The theme for the next lesson is “The Classification of Japanese SAKE”.

I will work hard to absorb many things in the next lesson.

GABA, thank you very much for this wonderful lesson.

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