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英語で学ぶ『日本酒の分類 (Classification of Japanese SAKE)』日英対訳

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英会話レッスンテーマ『日本酒の分類 (Classification of Japanese SAKE)』日英対訳

Unit 4. 日本酒の分類







【英訳】Unit 4. Classification of Japanese SAKE

Japanese sake is largely classified into two styles: pure rice style and alcohol-added style.

Pure rice style sake is made from only rice, water, yeast and Koji. Brewers do not use distilled alcohol for this style sake. In pure rice styles, there are three kinds of sake: Junmai-Daiginjo, Junmai-Ginjo and Junmai. these name differences come from the percentage of rice grain remaining after milling. Junmai-Daiginjo is made from brewing rice which is 50% more polished. Junmai-Ginjo is made from brewing rice which is 40% more polished. Juneau does not have a minimum rice polishing requirement.

Ingredients for alcohol-added style sake are the same as pure rice style but distilled alcohol. In this style, there are Daiginjo, Ginjo, Honjozo and Futsu-shu. The point for distinguishing these kinds of sake are just the same as pure rice style. It depends on the percentage of remaining rice grain after milling. Daiginjo is made with brewing rice polished 50% more, Ginjo is made of brewing rice polished 40% more, Honjozo is made of brewing rice polished 30% more, and Futsu-shu does not have a minimum rice polishing requirement.

Pure rice style has a unique characteristic flavor and you can enjoy the rich taste of rice. On the other hand, alcohol-added style has more clear taste and light flavor.

The more rice is polished, the clearer the taste of sake. It is because polishing the surface of rice grain removes protein and lipid that cause unfavorable taste.

I recommend Daiginjo for women and beginners because it has fruity aroma and fresh taste. These days, there are some kinds of Daiginjo-sparkling sake, and they taste like champagne. So, I think these kinds of sake will make people take their first step toward Japanese sake.




•The flavor and taste of each sake change greatly depending on brewing rice and polishing ratio which brewers select.

•Same sake has different flavor and taste as its temperature changes.

•When some sake are classified as same type like Daiginjo, their taste and flavor could be similar but never be the same because each sake is made from different ingredients.









The theme for this time was “Classification of Japanese SAKE”

[for English Speakers]

The theme for this time was “Classification of Japanese SAKE”. I learned how to describe specially designated sake.

I described the classification of Japanese sake that I learned today below.

Unit 4.Classification of Japanese SAKE

Japanese sake is largely classified into two styles: pure rice style and alcohol-added style.

Pure rice style sake is made from only rice, water, yeast and Koji. Brewers do not use distilled alcohol for this style sake. In pure rice styles, there are three kinds of sake: Junmai-Daiginjo, Junmai-Ginjo and Junmai. these name differences come from the percentage of rice grain remaining after milling. Junmai-Daiginjo is made from brewing rice which is 50% more polished. Junmai-Ginjo is made from brewing rice which is 40% more polished. Juneau does not have a minimum  rice polishing requirement.

Ingredients for alcohol-added style sake are the same as pure rice style but distilled alcohol. In this style, there are Daiginjo, Ginjo, Honjozo and Futsu-shu. The point for distinguishing these kinds of sake are just the same as pure rice style. It depends on the percentage of remaining rice grain after milling. Daiginjo is made with brewing rice polished 50% more, Ginjo is made of brewing rice polished 40% more, Honjozo is made of brewing rice polished 30% more, and Futsu-shu does not have a minimum rice polishing requirement.

Pure rice style has a unique characteristic flavor and you can enjoy the rich taste of rice. On the other hand, alcohol-added style has more clear taste and light flavor.

The more rice is polished, the clearer the taste of sake. It is because polishing the surface of rice grain removes protein and lipid that cause unfavorable taste.

I recommend Daiginjo for women and beginners because it has fruity aroma and fresh taste. These days, there are some kinds of Daiginjo sparkling are, and they taste like champagne. So, I think these kinds of sake will make people take their first step toward Japanese sake.

The theme for the next lesson is “How to Enjoy Japanese SAKE“.

I will work hard to absorb many things in the next lesson.

GABA, thank you very much for this wonderful lesson.




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