2017 ミス日本酒の田中梨乃です。
エンターテイメントの部では、1990年代に幾つもの全米ナンバーワンソングを記録し、R&Bの一時代を築いたと言われる「Boyz II Men」様のライブが開催され、会場の熱気は最高潮になっておりました。
私は大変光栄なことに、今年デビュー25周年を迎えられるBoyz II Menの皆様に、ステージにて花束を贈呈させて頂きました。
2017 ミス日本酒
“Yokohama Christmas Rally” organized by Mr Kaoru Nakajima of Heckel, who is offering a special support for Miss Sake, took place at Yokohama International Conference Center.
Hello, everyone.
This is Rino Tanaka, 2017 Miss Sake.
The event consists of four parts, and various programs were held.
In the entertainment session, there was a live performance of “Boyz II Men”, which has released a number of nationwide top songs in the 1990s and built an era of R&B, and the venue became all very energetic.
I was very honoured to present a flower bouquet to Boyz II Men who is celebrating their 25th anniversary this year.
They told us that they also love sake, which made me realize once again that sake is a wonderful tool to connect people around the world.
Other programs were such as “Donation Ceremony for Guide Dogs” for Japan Guide Dog Association, and a live performance by Mr Aoi Hikota, the singer.
Thank you very much for the valuable experience.
2017 Miss Sake
Rino Tanaka
2018 Miss Sake Finalist Announcement Presentation and New Year’s Party
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