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マレーシアにて開催されましたレストラン向けセミナーに2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子が日本酒講師として伺いました

2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada joined the “JAPANESE SAKE PR SEMINAR” at Malaysia as a Japanese Sake Seminar Speaker [English Below]



2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。

11月11日、マレーシアの首都クアラルンプールのDC Restaurant にて開催されました国税庁様主催、TMI TRADING SDN BHD様による『日本産酒類輸出コーディネーター事業 レストラン向けセミナー』に弊社団代表理事 大西美香同行の元、日本酒セミナーの講師として参加させていただきました。



在マレーシア特命全権大使 髙橋克彦様によると、日本食を扱う料理店はマレーシアにおいて1900店舗を超えており、和食は大変身近な存在となっているそうです。現地、クアラルンプールにて私もスーパーマーケットをいくつか見学させていただいたのですが、どのスーパーにも必ず「日本の食品や調味料を扱う棚」があり、マレーシアでの日本食の需要の高さを実感いたしました。




滞在中に、クアラルンプールの高級デパートであるBangsar Shopping Centreにて日本酒売場を見学いたしました。品揃えを拝見すると、日本各地の日本酒が揃えられておりました。大手蔵から家族経営の蔵まで、ここで手に取った日本酒をきっかけに様々な日本の地域についてマレーシアの方に知っていただく、素晴らしい機会を生んでいらっしゃる売場なのだと感じました。



クアラルンプールのDC Restaurantにて開催されたレストラン従事者向けのセミナーは「The Sake Master Class」と題した講義形式の前半と、実食とペアリングを伴う後半に分けて行われました。私は前半に「日本酒の基礎講義」を英語にて実施させていただきました。日頃、WSET Level 3の授業で学習したことや、酒造巡りをして得た経験を活かし、直接このようにしてマレーシアの飲食関係者の皆様に日本酒についてお話できましたこと、日本酒のアンバサダーとして大変光栄な時間でした。


  1. 日本酒の歴史的な成り立ち
  2. 日本酒とは何か
  3. 日本酒の醸し方
  4. 日本酒とワインとの違い4点
    1. 並行複発酵、飲用温度帯、GIを含む地域性について、ペアリング
  5. 日本酒を選ぶ時に知っておきたいこと4点
    1. 精米歩合について、特定名称について、酒米について、特別な手法で作られている日本酒について



<日本酒とDC Restaurantのペアリングコース>

セミナーが終了した後、在マレーシア特命全権大使 髙橋克彦様とご夫人がいらっしゃり、この催しへの祝辞と今後のマレーシアでの日本酒拡大への期待のお言葉をいただきました。


ペアリングのコースでは、6種類の日本酒が6つのお料理とペアリングされ提供されました。この日のお料理は、マレーシアで大変有名なDC Restaurantのお名前にもなっているダレン様によるものでした。DC Restaurantは、2014年11月より伝統的なフランス料理にダレン様が和食の要素を入れられた革新的なお料理をご提供されています。

そんなダレン様、TMI TRADING SDN BHD様、そしてマレーシアの日本酒の専門家などが集まり考え抜かれたペアリングの数々はまさにお料理を日本酒が引き立て、相乗効果によるマリアージュを感じさせる逸品でした。





ディナーの途中、宮城県 平孝酒造様の日高見 弥助芳醇 純米吟醸を、コースメニュー外のサプライズのお酒としてご紹介させていただきました。そして蔵元が「お寿司に合う酒を、という気持ちを込めて造られた」というストーリーとともに、サプライズゲストの「Sushi Hibiki」よりいらした齋藤誠様にその場でお寿司を握っていただくという素晴らしい催しも行われました。





この素晴らしい機会をいただきました、国税庁の皆さま、中澤様、五十嵐様とTMI TRADING SDN BHDの皆さま、誠にありがとうございました。



2023 Miss SAKE Japan



[English Below]

2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada joined the “JAPANESE SAKE PR SEMINAR” at Malaysia as a Japanese Sake Seminar Speaker


Greetings everyone, I’m Kotoko Yamada, 2023 Miss SAKE Japan.

On November 11th, I had the honor to participate as a lecturer at the ‘JAPANESE SAKE PR SEMINAR’ held at DC Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, organized by the National Tax Agency, and TMI TRADING SDN BHD, accompanied by the representative director of Miss SAKE Association, Mika Onishi.

<Japanese Sake in Malaysia>

This was my first visit to Malaysia, and what struck me was how familiar Japanese cuisine is to the Malaysian people.

According to Ambassador Katsuhiko Takahashi, there are over 1,900 restaurants handling Japanese food in Malaysia, making Japanese cuisine a prevalent presence among Malaysians. During my visit to supermarkets in Kuala Lumpur, I observed that each store had a dedicated section for “Japanese food and seasonings,” highlighting the substantial demand for Japanese cuisine in Malaysia. 

Everyone I met during my stay greeted me in Japanese when I walked in my kimono, making me realize the high interest among Malaysians in Japanese culture and the warmth of the Malaysian people.


According to the Ministry of Finance’s trade statistics, the Japanese sake market is rapidly expanding in Malaysia. The export value of Japanese sake to Malaysia increased by 187% in the fiscal year 2022 compared to the previous year, indicating Southeast Asia’s potential for growth, given the significant inbound traffic.


While 60% of the population in Malaysia consists of Muslims for whom alcohol is not allowed, consumption is rapidly increasing among the Chinese and Indian communities. Particularly in Chinese restaurants, there exists a culture of “bringing your own bottle,” and there’s a growing number of people choosing to bring a Japanese sake bottle for their dinners.


During my stay, I visited Bangsar Shopping Centre, a high-end department store in Kuala Lumpur, where I saw Japanese sake actually being sold. Seeing various Japanese sake brands from different regions of Japan showcased there made me realize it’s an excellent opportunity for Malaysians to learn about various regions of Japan through these bottles.


<Japanese Sake Seminar>

On the day of the restaurant seminar at DC Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur, I conducted an “Introduction to Japanese Sake” lecture in English as part of ‘The Sake Master Class’. It was an honor to be able to directly convey my experiences from studying in WSET Level 3 and visiting sake breweries to the food and beverage professionals in Malaysia as an ambassador for Japanese sake.


During my seminar, I covered the following topics:

  1. Historical background of Japanese sake
  2. What is Japanese sake
  3. Brewing process of Japanese sake
  4. Four differences between Japanese sake and wine
    1. Regional specificity including parallel multiple fermentation, drinking temperature range, and GI, with pairing suggestions
  5. Four points to consider when choosing Japanese sake
    1. Rice polishing ratio, specific names, sake rice, and special brewing methods

Midway through the seminar, seeing the surprised expressions and people taking photos of the slides among the attendees from restaurants, eateries, and liquor stores, I felt delighted, hoping that my presentation was somewhat informative.

Following my foundational lecture on Japanese sake, Mr. Thomas Ling, Malaysia’s first Certified Sommelier, Certified Saké Educator & Specialist, and International Kikisake-shi, presented on the “Recent Trends in Japanese Sake.” He explained the potential for future Japanese sake exports overseas due to the attempt to register “Traditional Sake Brewing” as an intangible cultural heritage. He also elaborated on Japan’s geographical indication (GI) with specific examples, terroir, and the increasing varieties of local rice types in recent years.


<Japanese Sake Pairing Course at DC Restaurant>

After concluding the seminar, Ambassador Katsuhiko Takahashi and his wife graced the event with their presence. They expressed their congratulations on the event and shared their expectations for the expansion of Japanese sake in Malaysia.

Following this, the traditional Kagami-Biraki ceremony was conducted by Ambassador Takahashi, his wife, and myself, marking the beginning of the much-anticipated Japanese sake pairing course.

The pairing course featured six types of Japanese sake paired with six dishes. All the dishes were prepared by Chef Darren, renowned for his traditional French cuisine with Japanese elements, which has been the hallmark of DC Restaurant since November 2014.

Chef Darren, along with TMI TRADING SDN BHD and other Japanese sake experts in Malaysia, meticulously curated pairings that beautifully complemented the dishes, creating synergies that elevated both the food and the sake.


Here’s the menu for the day’s dishes:


One particularly memorable pairing was the combination of warm goma tofu tempura with Uragasumi’s Kioke Kimoto Junmai, served in a small ochoko cup. This innovative pairing was quite novel for those unfamiliar with the concept of aligning the temperature of the meal and the sake, and the surprise and admiration expressed at many tables indicated its impact.

Although in many places overseas, sake is often consumed in wine glasses, this moment allowed attendees to discover that there are numerous other ways to enjoy Japanese sake.

Midway through dinner, I had the pleasure of presenting a surprise sake, HItakami Hojun Dry, a Junmai Ginjo from the brewery Hirakou Sake brewery in Miyagi Prefecture, which was not announced as a surprise. I explained the story behind its creation and how the Sake was made to pair with Sushi. Afterwards, Mr. Makoto Saito, our surprise guest from “Sushi Hibiki” in Malaysia, served sushi prepared on-site to pair with the special Sake.

By explaining the story behind the Sake creation, I believe this was a moment where the attendees could not only taste but also understand the sentiments of the brewers, adding depth to their sake experience.

Afterwards, I conversed with guests at each table. Many attendees expressed their intent to introduce the new ways of enjoying Japanese sake they experienced that day in their own establishments.

With the success of both the restaurant seminar and the pairing course, I’m further excited about the increasing demand for Japanese sake in Malaysia and the possibilities ahead.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone from the National Tax Agency, as well as Mr. Nakazawa, Mr. Igarashi and everyone at TMI TRADING SDN BHD, for providing me with this wonderful opportunity.

I will continue to strive, to the best of my ability, to deliver the depth of Japanese sake and culture to more people in the upcoming Japanese sake promotions following this event.


2023 Miss SAKE Japan

Kotoko Yamada



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