Miss SAKE News/Blog

手拭い専門店「かまわぬ」様の催しにて、2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの塚原菜実香が振る舞い酒をさせていただきます。

I would like to notify you of the event that I will participate in and of the selling of Miss SAKE’s Japanese towels which was made through the collaboration between Kamawanu and Miss SAKE.

〔English Follows〕

2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの塚原菜実香です。

この度、Miss SAKEは手拭い専門店「かまわぬ」様とコラボした手ぬぐいを発売することになりましたので、私が参加させていただくかまわぬ様のイベントの告知と共にお知らせをさせていただきます。


そんなかまわぬ様とMiss SAKEがコラボした手拭いのデザインは、以下のようなものになります。販売期間は8月16日(金)から31日(土)です。








また、かまわぬ様は『かまわぬ 代官山店』のオープン32周年を記念し、「復刻てぬぐい」の販売や「注染ワークショップ」など、8月に様々な催しを行う予定でございます。詳細はこちらのリンクをご覧ください。

そして、私もその催しに合わせて、8月24日(土)の13時から17時に『かまわぬ 代官山店』様の店頭に立ち、振る舞い酒をさせていただくことになりました。


2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 塚原菜実香

For English Speakers

Hello, everyone.
I am Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up.

I would like to notify you of the event that I will participate in and of the selling of Miss SAKE’s Japanese towels which was made through the collaboration between Kamawanu and Miss SAKE.

A Japanese towels specialty shop,” Kamawanu” opened in Daikanyama in 1987. The name “Kamawanu” mean “ we cannot give you the best welcome, but please feel free to drop by our shop” and a sickle is used in the trademark.

The design of the collaboration towels look like this and you can get them from August 16th to 31st.





We Miss SAKE took a lecture at the Kamawanu shop of the history of Japanese towels and how to use them for nice wrappings in “ the 7th Nadeshiko Program”. I strongly remember that I learned a lot of charms of Japanese towels that towels do not have. For more information of the lecture, please check out this blog.

Furthermore, the shop Kamawanu plans to hold various events such as the selling of the reproduction towels and the workshop of dying towels in order to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the “ Kamawanu Daikanyama” shop.

Thankfully, I will participate in one of those events. On August 24th, from 1pm to 5pm, I will be at the Kamawanu Daikanyama shop to entertain everyone with sakes.

I really look forward to seeing everyone at the event, so by all means please drop by there.

Thank you.

Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up


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