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フィリピン・マニラ「Ralph’s Wine and Spirits/ラルフス・ワイン・アンド・スピリッツ」に2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子と、 準グランプリ 齋藤ひかりが伺いました


2023 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 齋藤ひかりです。

東京にも秋風が吹きわたる季節となった10月初旬、10月9日に行われた『フィリピン日本商工会議所の設立50周年記念式』に出席するため、2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子さんと共にフィリピン・マニラに行ってまいりました。


〈フィリピン マニラにて開催されたフィリピン日本商工会議所の設立50周年記念に2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子と、準グランプリ 齋藤ひかりが参加いたしました〉https://www.misssake.org/50th-anniversary-celebration-of-the-philippines-japan-chamber-of-commerce-and-industry/



今回の滞在中に大変お世話になりました、丸紅フィリピン会社社長であり、フィリピン日本商工会議所会頭も務めていらっしゃる下田茂様のご厚意により、マニラ各地に店舗を構える酒販店「Ralph’s Wine and Spirits/ラルフス・ワイン・アンド・スピリッツ」に伺う機会を頂きました。

Ralph’s Wine and Spirits








Ralph’s Arnaiz (MAKATI)

こちらはマニラ首都圏に属するマカティ(Makati City)の中心部にある店舗です。フィリピンを代表する財閥であるアヤラグループが開発したエリアで、お店の周辺には大企業の高層ビルや大型のショッピングモールなどが集まっています。


Ralph’s Mitsukoshi (BGC)

2023年7月21日にグランドオープンしたばかりの商業施設「MITSUKOSHI BGC(ボニファシオ・グローバルシティ)」内にある店舗です。同じフロアには、バラエティに富んだ日系のレストランやショップが並んでおり、現地での和食への注目度を体感いたしました。

和食や日本酒が海外でも親しまれ、日本文化に興味を持ってくださる方が世界各国にいらっしゃることを改めて実感することができたお時間となりました。フィリピンでも今後さらに日本酒をきっかけに、日本文化の発信に貢献できるよう、Miss SAKEも邁進して参ります。


下田様、Ralph’s Wine and Spritsの皆様、このような素敵な機会を頂きありがとうございました。お越しくださった皆様からお話を伺うなかで、改めて海外から見た日本とその文化の魅力を再確認することが出来ました。




2023 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ



*English follows


Hello everyone.

I’m Hikari Saito, the Runner Up of 2023 Miss SAKE Japan.


In early October, I visited  Manila, Philippines to attend the ” 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines” with Kotoko Yamada, 2023 Miss SAKE Japan.

〈2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada and the Runner Up Hikari Saito attended the “50 year anniversary of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines” held in Manila, Philippines.〉



There were already Christmas decorations all over the city, and we could see and feel that the people in the Philippines ard ready to celebrate Christmas.

During our stay in Manila, we had the opportunity to visit a local Liquor store “Ralph’s Wine and Spirits”. Thanks to Mr. Shigeru Shimoda, President of Marubeni Philippines Corporation and Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines, we had a wonderful and meaningful time with the guests there.


About “Ralph’s Wine and Spirits”

Ralph’s Wine and Spirits was founded in 1975, and they currently have 15 stores around the Philippines. They offer wines from all over the world, as well as sake, beer, whiskey and spirits. 

The variety of sake available at each store was eye-opening for us. We were very surprised by the variety of sake, since there were some unique Sake that I do not see often in Japan too. I never thought I could drink them in the Philippines.


They also have a bar area, where the guests can enjoy the marriage of their favorite drink and food. For those who would like to try Sake in the Japanese way, Ralph‘s also has Japanese cuisine like Sashimi and homemade Gyoza. 


We enjoyed Sake with the guests who visited Ralph’s Wine and Spirits. Many of them were interested in Japan and Japanese food, and  we received many questions about Sake. We explained that the taste will change depending on how much the rice is polished, and everyone was very surprised by the technique of brewing Sake. It was a pleasure for us to have the opportunity to introduce Sake to everyone and enjoy various Sake with them.


Ralph’s Arnaiz (MAKATI)

This store is located in the center of Makati City, which is part of Metro Manila. The area was developed by the Ayala Group, one of the Philippines’ leading conglomerates. Many large companies are based here, as well as large shopping malls.

Operating Hours: 9am-12am

Address: G/F Pamana Bldg., Arnaiz Ave., San Lorenzo, Makati City

Contact number: (02) 8838 2768


Ralph’s Mitsukoshi (BGC)

“MITSUKOSHI BGC (Bonifacio Global City)”  was just opened on July 21st 2023. There  is a wide variety of Japanese restaurants and shops, and depending on the floor, it feels like being in Japan.

Operating Hours: 11am-10pm

Address: Basement 1, Mitsukoshi Mall, 8th Ave. corner 36th St., Grand Central Park, North BGC, Taguig


[Ralph’s Wine and Spirits HP : https://ralphs.com.ph/ ]


During our stay, I realized once again that Japanese food and Sake are popular overseas and that there are people all over the world who have interest in Japanese culture. As Miss SAKE, we  will continue to work on contributing to the dissemination of Japanese culture in the Philippines and other foreign countries.

Thank you to Mr. Shimoda and Mr. Raymond from Ralph’s Wine and Spirits for giving us such a wonderful opportunity. We are looking forward to Kanpai with you all again in the near future.

2023 Miss SAKE Japan Runner Up

Hikari Saito




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